Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lunch Ride - Anteater San Miguel Spyglass SJQ Pelican NPC Vista Horseshoe McArthur

Strava:  http://app.strava.com/activities/25893676

Attendees:  Vince, Vin, Jaffe, Adrian, Hiroshi, Mitchell and Steve Lusky (new guy)


  • Steve (yes, another one) Lusky came out to join us for his first time and he was on his "vintage" Klein bike that I believe he said was over 10 years old.  Ironically, Jaffe's bike looked older.  I told him about the group, so he should now know about our alpha male-ness.  
  • Hiroshi cautioned us before the ride about the increased police presence due to the recent deaths, so what does Adrian do?  Blow the light on Bonita Canyon and NPC just as a police car was sitting at the front of the intersection.  Reverse kudos.  
  • I was willing to do a little more work than I have in the past month or so just because I have no more excuses.  I'll need to come up with some soon as this ride hurt. 
  • Vin first led the group up Spyglass, but I took the reigns after trying to hold a decent pace.  Vince pulled to the front before the top and led us down to San Joaquin.  
  • Vince and Hiroshi broke away a little on the climb up San Joaquin, but they missed the right turn before NPC as was on the map.  Of course, the rest of us couldn't pass up the shortcut. 
  • There was a mini regroup on NPC down toward Pelican-1, but Vince opted to break away once we made the turn.  Mitchell and Vin didn't react when he broke, but as I went to go chase him down, sure enough they jumped behind me.  Teamwork?  HAHA
  • We ended up catching Vince after the first rise and he and Vin got a little ahead of us and opted to turn right on NPC to start the climb from the bottom.  Mitchell and I followed. 
  • Vince started to gap on the climb as did Vin in the beginning, but I reeled Vin in and kept he and Mitchell behind me for that climb.  Hiroshi came by, broke me off and started to reel Vince in on the climb.  Impressive, but ummm...somebody skipped the start from the bottom.  He wasn't alone though as Adrian and Jaffe did too.  HA.  Adrian pulled his signature move here though where he, too, passed me, but detonated sometime after. 
  • On Vista, I tried to close the gap on Hiroshi and Vince but Vince was too far ahead.  Hiroshi, however, was within reach and I tried to set him up for a pass on the last climb, but after almost getting right behind him, I "pulled an Adrian."  BOOM!
  • We regrouped at the top and went down Ridge together, but on the right turn to NPC, Vince opted to go straight.  We tried calling out, but he didn't hear us.  
  • We did hit the horseshoe after getting on San Joaquin and Mitchell started the initial charge.  Hiroshi, Vin and I rotated but it wasn't in the cards today to beat the KOM time for that section.  It doesn't really matter though...it's my KOM.  HA
  • We saw Adrian ahead of us on SJQ and after rounding the turn, Vin jumped to the front and started chasing him down.  He was reeling him in pretty good, but I had to finish closing in.  Adrian and I started to see what each one was made of after, and took some pretty hard pulls heading downhill.  That was gnarly. 
  • When we got to McArthur, Hiroshi took the initial pull.  When Adrian came around, he started hammering and held a good speed heading toward Bonita Canyon where it took a while to pass.  
  • Adrian, Vin and I rounded Bison and started to set up for the final sprint.  Adrian had gotten a good gap early but I was able to close it just as we were going over the 73.  When I passed him for the sprint, he responded and I didn't think I had momentum to be able to hold him off but I guess he was still recovering from McArthur.  When I looked back, he was off.  
Good training today, gents.  Way to put the hurt on, guys.  Thanks! 

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