Attendees: Gary, Todd, Vince, Mitchell, Galen, Hiroshi, Verm, Vin, Adrian and me
Post ride festivities: above + Tim, PV, Jeremy, Marilyn, Leslie and Pam
With the list of guys who were going to attend and the weather conditions being ideal, I just knew it would be a great team ride. Galen got to my house first (7:30 am), so you can tell he was eager to get out. Mitchell got here next and everyone started to trickle in shortly. While we didn't roll out at 8:30 a.m. as planned, we did manage to get some pictures taken including one with Mitchell's selfie stick that he claims was his daughters. Sure, Mitchell. It's your daughter's, huh? Okay.
Say cheese! |
Hodgepodge |
Hardcore |
Mitchell, look at the camera! |
He's here! |
As you can see from the above, there was a hodgepodge of jerseys worn and admittedly, I did not conform to what was announced. I was wearing white originally, but those who arrived first to my house were in black since they don't read all of my e-mails. I figured most probably didn't also, so I went ahead and changed. Everyone who came after I changed pretty much was in the announced white kit, so we threw uniformity out the window at that point. Verm, nice jersey but seriously, what were you thinking? HA
We finally rolled out almost 20 minutes after the scheduled time of 8:30 a.m., and I had arranged for a police escort all the way to the bike trail. Actually, we had one of San Juan Capistrano's finest just follow us to make sure we stopped at all of the stop signs and lights, so we did the obligatory 3 second stop and/or 1 foot down to avoid getting citations, which could have really put a damper on the day.
By the time we got to the bike trail and after the bridge, it was pretty tame for the most part but we were still doing a lot of passing. It was after we got onto El Camino Real that it got kinda nutty and I was wondering if anyone was taking into account the entire ride vs. just that single section. Then again, that's how Gary rolls and sure enough, he was in that crowd going for it on the stretch as well.
The BRCM train |
The climb up San Clemente caused some separation, but we all regrouped on Presidente and rode down to Trestles together. When we got to the top and got on Old PCH Hwy, we passed 3 guys on TT bikes and offered them friendly salutations as the guys went by only to have them respond with "see you soon." I had been behind them playing sweeper as the rest of the guys passed, but I saw them drop down on their aero bars together looking like they intended to pass our bunch with some aggressive intent. I didn't hear their comment, but the manner in which they passed just didn't sit very well with me. I gave chase and latched on as soon as they passed and it wasn't long after that I realized Vince had come with me to make sure these guys didn't think we were soft. I'm sure more of us could have done the same, but it was rather a statement to say that 2 of us could stuff their breakaway. They were definitely going for it, although they couldn't climb very fast, but Vince and I stuck with them as they tried desperately to drop us, or so it seemed. At first, we weren't sure they wanted anyone to join their rotation, but we soon started to push up and also take pulls to show that even on road bikes, we can hang. As we started approaching the fence, one of the guys (probably the one who said "see you soon") took off dropping his buddies where Vince took off and gave chase followed shortly by me leaving the others behind. Vince and I passed him right before the gate as he appeared to have a "no mas" look on his face despite me saying good job, and it was fortunate for him as we definitely would have left them behind up the climb. While this may not have been on the cards for this ride originally since sticking together was going to be most important, Gary knew that we couldn't let others dishonor our jersey and most importantly dishonor THIS ride. Needless to say, he was happy we did what we did as was the others. BAM!
We regrouped at Las Pulgas, and rode through the base staying pretty much together throughout. We had a comfortable pace going, and we took the opportunity to talk and ride and truly enjoy each other's company. Why don't we do this more often?!?
We got to do more of the same at our rest stop at McDonald's hanging out, getting some food in, and taking some pictures. I noticed, however, that the time was an issue since PV would be coming over and I didn't want him not being able to get into my house. No one was home and my dumbass forgot to leave a door unlocked. I texted him a means to get in, but I wasn't sure if he'd have any luck with it, so I then decided I better get back before he arrives. While I REALLY wanted to enjoy the ride back with the crew as a whole, it was more important that we all had food, drinks, and a place to chill all ready to go upon everyone's arrival.
Men in tights |
Hiroshi, what were you thinking? |
Big guy getting hydrated |
Vin looking lovingly at Vince |
The cool table |
When we got going, I started to let others know of my intent to get back and at first recruited Galen to help me get home. Galen, as always, was willing despite not having ridden awhile. However, after we let Todd know, he wanted to help get me back and instead came with me in lieu of Galen. I would have asked Todd originally given I think he and I have a more flatter power curve, which would have made for a better combined effort than with others, but I also thought Todd's ability to manage the group pace would be an equal contribution. Given he was interested to go, I couldn't pass it up and we were off just at the top of the first climb. We asked the rest of the group to stay together getting back, and for the most part they did.
Todd and I had a pretty good pace going through the base, but at some point I noticed there were two people in our draft. I never looked back long enough to know for sure who but I figured two strangers somehow caught up and decided to get a free tow back being they didn't push up to help in the rotation initially. When we realized it was Vince and Mitchell as we neared the guard gate, I was kind of glad given that it gave us more of a chance to get back in time for PV. We had a great pace throughout and although we lost Mitchell at the state beach, the 3 of us worked together with great synergy and made it back JUST a few minutes before PV arrived with the food. Perfect! Surprisingly enough, it didn't take the rest of the group to roll up behind us too long. Adrian was a little bummed we didn't get to sprint near the finish as we planned, but I'll just have have to beat him another time.
The post ride festivities ended up going off without a hitch and many thanks to PV for coming, coordinating and bringing over the food. He was also great company and someone we missed, so I was glad he was able to make it. Tim also came out to join us and brought us some excellent beers from
Noble Ale Works, even leaving me a bomber for myself (thanks!). It was great to have him as well. Beer pong, ping pong, tossing back different types of beers including my favorite Belgians, eating pizzas, eating Mexican food and the great company made for a perfect way to honor the big guy. I hope he and the others thought so too.
The aftermath |
Now, in order to know the significance of this ride, you need to know about the man being honored. Gary (aka S-Gary and SG), Eddie and I started riding together several years ago some time after the first Bench, Bike and Run event in 2008. Wow, that was over 7 years ago! We would ride on the weekend and during lunch with a very small crew and definitely far less organized. The weekend rides were the best because we would sit and have coffee after and just get to know one another. It wasn't long after when other people started to see us riding together and joined us ultimately forming the OG team that also included Todd, Vince, Adrian, PV, Tim, Noah, Verm, Mitchell and Andy.
Although Eddie had participated in century rides in the past, Gary really did a lot to promote this with the group and ultimately had us going out together seeking to make a name for ourselves beyond just our weekend adventures. It all started out with our first Stagecoach ride....
Black and white because it's been THAT long |
This ride was the springboard to other rides that followed including Tour de Palm Springs (which Gary hosted from his place on our first outing), San Diego Gran Fondo, Ride around the Bear, the Alpine Challenge and more. Gary was really big on the hilly rides, so he definitely did a lot to steer us toward them. We all learned a lot from one another sharing tips about nutrition and techniques mostly based on lessons learned from the rides, We also spent a lot of time together before and after the rides, where the 'bromance' was definitely in full effect. The before moments at the hotels were memorable, but it was hanging out after that made them epic...especially given how we traded in coffee for a much more flavorful amber colored frosty beverage.
Some of the notable things about Gary during these rides included how he big ringed up Big Bear during our first century up that beast. Mind you, this was when he had his POS "Congango," which made for even a much more challenging feat. He also managed to finish the San Diego Gran Fondo despite having mechanical problems on top of the 'ridiculous' weather conditions of that ride. By the way, I think my first sign of hypothermia came from helping him with a flat he had within the first 5-10 miles. Also, he was always a "charger" at the beginning of rides where he would give it all he had without much care for what he'd have left for the rest of the ride..some thing he still hasn't learned to correct after all these years. This got a segment named after him called S-Gary Peltason, which is the beginning of one of the outbound paths to our lunch rides. This definitely epitomized BAM, but he never gave up and continued to finish the rest of the ride despite the KABOOM that would be experienced some time after. (:
Other notable things about Gary which were not ride related was how he was the first to be "transformed" into a different cyclist shortly after getting his new Specialized S-Works (hence the nicknames), how he help Shannon during his post Strava hunt bachelor party with the drinks and ended up out for the count yet remaining a gentleman when being driven home and how he learned from that when we celebrated Vince's bachelor party by being the DD of the party van. And do I need to mention how the boy ordered a salad the night before the Death Ride, which would only fuel a fraction of the thousands upon thousands of calories used for that event?
Gary was definitely an active member of the team who I had the pleasure to ride with during events and on the weekends, but it was unfortunate that in one of our outings Gary had a spill breaking his hip and sidetracking his cycling endeavors. Even then, he exhibited BAM by not wanting to go to the hospital originally and just wanting to get home even offering to ride in the back of my wife's 4Runner with his bike since he couldn't get in the front seat. If I were that hurt, the EMTs who picked me up would not only have to tend to my injury but also console me while I cried like a baby. Not Gary though...what a rock.
Gary also setup our now infamous BAM mailing list, helped me with talking Terri Timberman into getting our 3rd BRCM supplied jersey, and was just an avid promoter and supporter of the team having attended cycling races and events, even one as far as the Stagecoach, just to take pictures and provide motivation for the finishers.
It should be obvious as I go on and on about the guy that I feel he's been a big part of our team both figuratively and literally. I know for a fact that we wouldn't be who we are today had he not been a part of it. We're definitely at a loss with him leaving Broadcom, but his legacy will live on. It's been a great journey, S-G, and we appreciate all the things you've done. You'll always have an honorary spot on the team, and if we all had numbers, yours would definitely be #5.
Good luck in your new endeavor S-G! Keep on ridin'. Rule #5.