Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lunch Ride - Portola OAB Taper Run with a 23.1 Average...What?


It was a rather small group today with only 5 of us out (Shannon, Jeremy, Jaffe, Vin and me).  The course selection for today was Portola OAB mostly because I was looking forward to a light spin to taper in preparation for this weekend's ride.  I didn't have my TT bike today (wha?), but that's mostly because it was already undergoing day 1 preparations.  Day 2 will be this evening.  Shannon, however, wanted to get a last run in on his TT bike to shake out the bugs before this weekend,  as well as test out his new hydration system on his bike.  Given this, I wasn't sure whether a light spin would actually take place.  Maybe if I stayed in the back the whole time, it'll be okay.   Not!

Once we got going on the bike trail, Shannon started to light it up so it was either hang on or drop off.  He ended up pulling for most of the way to Harvard, with Jeremy offering a couple pulls and Vin taking a turn up front.  I'm not sure if Jaffe made it up front, but at the pace we were going, I suppose it was understandable.

When we got to Harvard, I thought the light was red, but Shannon immediately jumped into the intersection and started to hammer.  Jeremy and Vin were with him, but I got caught sleeping as did Jaffe who was behind me.  I literally had to sprint for a good distance just to be able to latch back on to the group, but Jaffe wasn't as fortunate.

With Shannon seemingly needing a break, Jeremy took the front and led us to a stop light at one of the intersections.  I had rolled up to the front not really planning to take a pull, but since I was there I started pedaling and trying to get us back to the pace they were holding.  When I looked back just before the bike trail opening though, I noticed no one was behind me.  Oops!  I checked up at the bike trail and got back in line with Shannon leading the charge once again.

Jeremy and I took some pulls, but it was definitely Shannon doing a bulk of the work.  When we got to the top, we ended up getting a real good time from CA to Portola because of his efforts.  I got to the top first finishing the final pull to the top, so I turned around expecting we were going to continue on.  I noticed no one was behind me for a bit, so I checked up and waited to regroup with the others.  When I saw Jeremy eventually roll up and finally passed me, I looked back and didn't see Shannon.  I saw Vin still making his way up, as he had fallen off, so I figured he would run into Shannon in case Shannon had something happen.  Jeremy then told me eventually that Shannon had stopped at the top to rest.  Since I had to get back, Jeremy and I continued to alternate picking up Jaffe on the way back.

The wind was a little rough heading back, but we held a pretty good pace with Jeremy taking some real strong pulls.  I really wasn't digging having to work, but looking at the time on my Garmin, I had to get back due to an appointment I had scheduled just before lunch.

Jaffe was sitting in the draft for most of the way back, but decided to pull up just as we were coming up on two other riders in kits.  He tried to pass on the inside of one of the tighter turns and got an earful from one of the riders, but we let them know we were sorry and it was cool.  Jeremy relieved him after that and we took turns all the way back to California.  Jeremy and I went up to get back, but Jaffe continued on to finish the route I called out originally, which was to finish up Jamboree.

I hear Shannon ended up giving Vin a chance to get a head start on the way back, but reeled him in despite expected.  I hope they had a good run back considering the wind was no fun, and I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to stay together.  Thanks for the pulls today, gents!  Hopefully, I'll be able to be recovered enough for this weekend.

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