Monday, April 4, 2011

PV's 2011 Counting Coup Race Report

The drums were thumping.  The sage was burning.  Chris Vargas spoke some words of wisdom and then just like that we were off.
One thing is certain, it is dark out at 5:30 in the morning.  But there we were….. hundreds of us in the complete darkness…… with small commuter lights…….going as fast as we possibly could.
It was freaky to see how fast the front pack was moving…consisting of mainly hardcore long course guys (Vision Quest).  They quickly split off and flew up the first switchbacks like turbo charged fire flies and did not reduce the pace even slightly, truly amazing to see. 
I was sure happy I was doing the short course after that! (Counting Coup )  When I got further up I looked back to see the surrealistic vision of a train of light moving its way up Blackstar Canyon, snaking it’s way upwards through the darkness. 
When I got to Hidden Valley it was foggy and my headlight reflected back making it tough to see.  I was in front of a pack of three and almost rode into a big gap where the road is washed out….close call.  We hopped off our bikes, walked over the small bridge and then proceeded to hammer towards Beeks Place.
The sky started to lighten at Beeks as the sun slowly rose in a kaleidoscope of colors.  We continued our journey to the Motorway.  I didn’t push my pace as I was making my times and knew I had some significant climbing ahead.  I was amazed (as usual) at the strong single speed riders dropping me.  Mutants!
I took my time down the Motorway and it paid off…no crashes, flats or sidewall damage to my tire.  This was not the case with many others from what I heard! 
I got to the bottom and looked for my cooler…..they had moved the aid station location from previous years and it totally threw me off.  A guy was yelling at me that I needed to move up the road.  I scanned the roadside looking for my cooler and proceeded up the road to the first aid station.
I quickly looked around, didn’t see my cooler (stocked with supplies for the next leg), completely panicked, refilled my two water bottles and headed up Maple Springs.   I had two GU packs on me and figured it would hold me to the finish in a pinch (almost three hours away).
At one of the stream crossing I slowed down to avoid two hikers…….right then a rider flies by me to the right, maybe an inch from my handlebars.  Whoa!  
I catch up, wait a minute I recognize this rider…..”Hey Heidi, is that you?”  A big smile and a wild look confirmed that indeed Heidi was IN this race.  This is the girl that beat me one minute and seventeen seconds last year and set the female record for the course…..we don’t want that to happen again now do we?  OK, it is ON. 
I ramp up my pace and pass her.  My heart rate is good so I continue.  I build up a gap.  Sweet!  I feel pretty good, better than last year for sure.  I am hoping the nail in the coffin.  Not so fast bucko….
She doesn’t pass me for a while.  I didn’t even see it coming…….but then it does.  A train of three, her, Eric from Rock and Road on his 18 pound 29’r, (who eventually winds up 4th in Counting Coup) and someone else I don’t recognize.  Damn!!  They are holding a pace I do not want to keep so I am forced to let them go.  I keep them in sight for a while but by the time I get to Four Corners they are gone.
Four Corners turns out to be a life saver.  They have some extra water so I quickly fill up a bottle and grab a strawberry munch bar.  I take off and eat half of it instantly.  Aaaah, food!  A couple people I have passed return the favor as I get myself back in the saddle, but I feel start to feel better and get past them shortly after.  Time to push to Santiago Peak.
I proceed onwards and upwards.  A downward grade towards Joplin brings a short lived respite from the relentless grind towards the peak.  I pound it and head into the final ascent.  Wait a minute…yes…there she is…I almost can’t believe it!  Looking a little bonked even?  An opportunity is presented…I cannot squander this one.
But first I must take in the panorama from the last switchback to the summit.  This is one of my favorite parts of the ride.  A cloud layer lies far below with just the high points far below peaking through.  Is that a peak on San Clemente Island?  I think it is!!
OK, back to business.  I accelerate, my heart rate is good.  I close the gap and rapidly pass her.  “Girlfriend ain’t gonna like this” I think to myself.  A quick look back confirms she can’t match it.  I keep the pace to the Peak and start dropping down the back side.
Upper Holy Jim goes like clockwork, even with some guy doing a full OTB in front of me.  My pre-ride earlier in the week is paying off. I pass several people and pray they are a bottle neck to you know who behind me.   I get to the bottom and head over to Holy Jim.
I am starting to feel a little light headed by the time I get to Holy Jim.  The two gel packs and half a bar have been burned apparently, and I am feeling the effects.  I risk crashing or losing time if I try to eat the other half so I continue on, blazing down Holy Jim.  That’s when it happens.
It went well in the pre-ride….a rocky elbow with consequences on the down side.  If you roll it just right it’s over in two seconds.  Not this time.   I am too clunky and I come to a dead stop in the crook and topple towards my left…..bouncing off a 12 foot rock face towards the bottom.
 I am pinned upside down underneath my bike at the bottom.  Sweet?  I unclip and get myself upright.  I try to crawl out……the rock has been worn smooth by the creek that flows through and is too slippery to get out easily.  I continue to try but nada.
Shortly after another racer stops and asks if I am OK and offers to help.  I lift my bike overhead and he grabs the handlebar and pulls it onto the trail.  With both hands freed I can now crawl out.  I likely lose a position as racers pass me.  But not the girl….I am watching for that. J
Now back in the game but slightly shaken from my off trail adventure I continue my descent.  After a few minutes I begin to regain some confidence.  There are many hikers and bikers coming up the trail so it is a bit sketchy. 
Further down I find the creek crossing are higher this year.  Not quite Sagebrush Safari levels but 2-3 feet deep in places easy.  I have lost all ‘smoothnicity’ I may possess and am not having an easy time.  I think I almost submerged myself once or twice.  Finally I am out to the road and almost finished with the race.  Thank god I am not doing Vision Quest this year.  I will be lucky to make it out from here!
I pound Trabuco Creek road out.  It has been recently graded so it is very smooth and fast, nice.  I pass a few off road vehicles and make good time towards the finish.  In my delirium I fail to notice a pothole and almost eat it at 25 MPH.  That gets my attention and I do everything I can to make it out in one piece from there.
They changed the finish this year, so when I get to the end of the road I am not sure what to do.  “Follow the orange cones” they tell me.  The orange cones go through the untamed riverbed….crazy, no trail!  I manage to pedal through it and was happy to clean it.  Then a steep up to the road and out onto Live Oak.  A little further….further…follow the signs…a hard left….. and then just like that it is over.
 I am amazed with my time; my best case scenario was at least 5 minutes slower, with the original finish line (this course added a mile…I think at least 3 minutes longer).  
Is the girl behind me?  Yup, but not by much, I think just a minute or so!  Wow is she a tough cookie, much respect.   I immediately start ingesting as much sugar as I can find at the finish line, I downed two sodas right away and start feeling better, needed some calories for sure.  Then it was time to hang out and cheer the other racers on as they finished. 
The VQ racers had a much longer and tougher course to do and they were coming in less than a half hour behind us, amazing, inspiring, and freaky all at the same time!! 
 link to prelim results for long course (Vision Quest) and slacker version (Counting Coup) ‘vajapich’?  J
 1st place VQ guy’s blog about the race:
pretty cool local race, you guys should try it!!  J
304 motorway

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