Notable climbs: San Joaquin, Ridge Park to the end, Pelican, Park, Temple, Summit, Nyes, Pacific Island (both sides), Highland (both sides), Niguel, Glenn Ranch, Saddleback, Modjeska, Dump Hill, Jamboree.
When Shannon sent out the map for today's route, I knew it was going to be intense based on all the hills he had us doing. Not only was it a 9.5-10.5K route, it was 90 miles long and got to about 90 degrees in the canyons. It was brutal.
Vin joined us for a good portion of the ride and got de-virginized from the 7 sisters. What was impressive about it was how he did it with all the other hills before it, where this was no small feat. And while his pull may have been limited to just 1 for the day and early on, he nevertheless got it done. He did have to take off before Glenn Ranch, but to date it must have been the biggest ride he's ever done. He pretty much hated us after the ride, but I'm sure he'll hate us more tomorrow and maybe even Tuesday if he doesn't ice his legs.
Now the pace was suppose to be fairly mellow to save up for the hills, but even on the bike trail heading toward back bay, we were hitting speeds of 25-26 mph. I suppose it was okay though given it was a little chilly at the start. Back Bay was pretty much the same.
On San Joaquin, we were all staying together but we did run into a guy in a BMC kit on McArthur who was on his way to do Como Street. We got ahead of him at the light, and we maintained a pretty decent pace and stayed together. However, BMC kit guy came around just after the light on Spyglass at a pretty good clip. Being that we were all in BRCM kits, I felt compelled to just follow him up the hill just so he knows he didn't drop us. When I passed him at the top to and gave him a "good job," he didn't even look at me. Sigh. Can't we all just get along?
Since the others were saving it, I decided to go up Ridge Park ahead of them. I just set a pace up the hill where I could stand the whole time. Sure enough, Shannon caught up to me on the last rise before Vista, so I was able to pick up to his pace up and over the top as we headed toward the end. Now if only I could have gotten a head start on all the rest of the hills.
After a quick regroup, we were headed down Vista. Rather than going down NPC to the 2nd Pelican, we decided to go down on the first Pelican first, turn around, and go back down. Gary and Vin had a pretty good jump on Pelican as Gary sprinted up the hill before the down. I thought Shannon was looking to hit it hard, so I started to accelerate expecting him to come with to chase Gary. When I turned around and noticed he didn't come, I decided to give chase solo. Gary was moving though, so he did get to the bottom just ahead of me.
We turned around and I decided to slow it down some and not charge up Pelican too hard. Then, Vin passed me with some seemingly bad intentions, so what's a BAM to do? I decided to just reel him in as we went over the first two hills, but just before the last down and the final long climb up, I decided to pick the pace up a little more just to keep him honest.
On our 2nd trip down Pelican, I was content with taking it easy, but Gary was still in mix it up mode. Gotta love him. Of course, I'm always game so we exchanged passes. Good times.
When we got on NPC and then PCH, we finally decided to back off a bit. Shannon was onboard with this plan, thank God, and S-G even backed off a bit here (wha?). It was a tame pace even going through Laguna Beach, so no break aways here.
On Park, we had prepared Vin for the upcoming hill and prepared him for what's to come. Once we knew he'd be safe, off I went. I had found a good pace going up, and Shannon ended up just pacing me up here where we arrived at the Top of the World together. Gary arrived shortly after, and Vin not much longer.
When we went up Temple and Summit, I broke the #1 fight club rule and paced Shannon as best as I could. However, he turned up the heat at the end of both snapping me off near the top each time. Just seeing him most of the climb is good for me, so I'm happy.
When we went down Nyes, I got down first and started up the hill just ahead of Gary and Shannon. That first part remains to be a friggin' nightmare, but after the right turn, it wasn't as bad. Now I was waiting for Shannon to come by at some point, but he chose the path of just pacing me instead so I did get to the top just ahead of him. I remember Todd giving me crap before about not going to the very top after the park, so I made sure to do so today.
Shannon, Gary and I regrouped, but wasn't sure if Vin was going to make it up. Gary mentioned he had stopped due to a cramp, so we decided to just go down in case he was waiting for us at the bottom. About 100 feet down, we see him making his way up and I suggested he turn around and follow but Shannon told him to keep going since the end was near. So he did. Good for you, Vin! We did wait at the bottom on PCH for him, but when he didn't show up for a while, I did start to make my way up to find him and make sure he was okay. I was so glad he made the turn toward PCH up ahead of me before I had to climb that first part again.
We took a quick break on PCH at a liquor store, but after that we were off to finish the rest of the b!tches. I was feeling pretty good still, so I decided to go up ahead on Pac Island once we started up it. I found a good rhythm, so I kept ahead of the guys and went on once I got to the top. Now I thought the plan was to go up Highland (both sides) and do Niguel at the top of it, which I did. Now I looked for the other guys and didn't see them as I waited at the corner of Highland and Niguel. After failing to reach Gary in case I didn't go on the right route, I started making my way back toward Pac Island and saw the others making their way up Highland. I tried joining them, but they told me I forgot the other side of Pac, so off I went. I was worried they would wait for me, so I kept a decent pace up and managed to get to the corner of Highland and Niguel just before the guys were heading down Niguel.
Now having completed the sisters and all the other hills before them, we did keep the pace fairly moderate as we made our way on the bike trail off Alicia that took us all the way to PD Valencia and Aliso and finally to a gas station at the Jeronimo intersection for another break.
When we took off, I finally started to feel the earlier miles so when Shannon led us on a bike trail off Jeronimo toward El Toro, I had to wave Gary and Vin on while I downed some Shot Bloks to keep hamstrings from popping. This worked and I was able to make my way up to Gary and Vin but we stayed off the back of Shannon until he stopped at the Portola/El Toro intersection. This was where Vin ended up going home from, so the 3 of us continued. Now Shannon had asked me if I wanted to skip Glenn Ranch, but I didn't want to not mess up his ride so we kept going. When we finally got on Glenn Ranch, Shannon got ahead of Gary and I and I was not about to chase since I knew Saddleback and Modjeska was still ahead.
Shannon waited at the bottom of Saddleback, and I did too just ahead of him. Once Gary rounded, he was going up at a pretty good pace, so I paced him also following the rhythm of the song on my iPod. After some time, I did start to breakaway from Gary but maintained a nice steady pace. As I was nearing the top, I heard and saw Shannon coming up behind me, so I did pick the pace up to finish just ahead of him. Of course, this woke up the sleeping giant. As we made our way to Modjeska, he said the first one up it pays for lunch. I asked "first?" and he said yes. Then he was gone!
I didn't even have a chance to get on his wheel as he started up toward Modjeska, so all I could do was watch him. When I started to climb up Modjeska, both legs seized up pretty good and it took some effort just to stop. Gary had done the wise thing and decided to skip it, so I thought I should just turn around and follow him. I stood for a while eating and drinking contemplating what to do, and I just couldn't skip the elevation gain for my stats. HA. A mountain biker had ridden by as I tried to recover, but at this point, I didn't even care anymore. I continued up the hill and after another 100 feet or so, my left hamstring started to cramp again requiring yet another stop since it was way too steep to try pedaling with just one leg. I took some more swigs and had one more shot blok and just spun the rest of the way up after luckily not popping anymore.
Since it took me a while to get through Modjeska, Gary and Shannon were making their way back to make sure I was okay. After turning around, we were off on Santiago. I tried exchanging some pulls, but I was really worried knowing I still had to climb up Dump. I was off the back a lot but not too far behind, but Gary was really strong here and did a lot of the pulling exchanging with Shannon.
When we got to Dump, I was with them again, and I tried to stay with them but my left hamstring started to cramp again. Since it wasn't too steep, I opted not to stop and just pedal one-legged on the lowest gear. Although uncomfortable for my left leg, I was doing okay. Then I realized my right leg was actually capable of pushing harder, so I went up a couple gears and was able to finish the hill this way.
When I started going downhill, I just coasted but took my last Honey Stinger gel. By the time I got over the 261, I was feeling pretty good again. The high from the thought that the ride was almost over must have kicked in as well. I was able to catch Gary and Shannon at the Jamboree light.
On Jamboree, we got a little separated since Gary and I crossed the street via the crosswalk without Shannon. I spun forward not wanting to cramp up again, but Shannon and Gary caught up before the hill. Shannon led us up, but since I had some new found energy, I went ahead and Gary came with. Once we got over the crest, Gary and I started exchanging attacks down toward Portola. This continued beyond and at one of my pulls, I decided to just expend all my energy standing and sprinting at one point only to get caught up at a light. Once the last light turned green, Gary decided the same thing and it was on. Way to push to the very end!
Overall, this ride was probably the most intense ride I've ever done with the guys that was local. Thanks for setting it up, Shannon, and thanks for the BJ's food and beer as well as a bottle of your home brew. It's you all day!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
BRCM Lunch - The No Pressure Ride
Originally, I had hoped to get everyone to push today by asking that they get a PR on Strava on any segment or pay a buck otherwise. While this did not get enough buy in with PV suggesting we just have a no pressure ride, we set aside my idea for today. Needless to say, as of the time of this writing, it does not appear anyone missed getting a PR of some sort today. How's that for a "no pressure" ride?
16 of us made it out again today with some people donning full BRCM red, thanks to Terri Timberman and Eric Brandt. The new kit inspired me to push early today, so on E. Peltason, I opted to pull an S-Gary. Of course, in typical fashion everyone comes along knowing that resistance is futile. On Anteater, Todd and PV kept the pace up all the way to Bonita Canyon where PV just missed taking away my KOM for that segment by 3 seconds.
On the rise up toward Sunnyhill, the group started to get strung out already. Fortunately for me, I was just able to latch on to the guys up front just as we were making a left on Sunnyhill. I got a little worked though, so I just hung on all the way down to the bottom of Turtle Rock. Once we got there, however, I decided to contribute (or attack depending on how you see it) and jumped to the front. Todd worked with me here, but this was one of his least favorite climbs so I took advantage just before the Ridgeline stop sign and sprinted off.
After the stop sign, Vince came around both of us (chewing me out in the locker room for checking up because the hill didn't end at the stop sign...HA HA), and led Todd, Galen and myself toward Shady. I believe we all expected Shannon to come around any moment, but he must have been tired or something. Shady was still pretty quick and despite Galen's shoulder, he still took a pull here to keep the pace up. I believe either Todd and/or Vince got to the top just ahead of me. All I know is by the time we were heading down, they were both in front of me.
Vince got just a little ahead of Todd and I on the bike trail, but we all got together to keep the pace up all the way to Ridgeline. No sprint to the bridge today, thank goodness. As we got caught at the light there, others caught up at this point reducing our breakaway to nothing. HA HA. Since PV opted to skip the intersection and climb up the sidewalk, we actually fell behind as a result.
Once the light turned green, Todd led us up Ridgeline at an impressive 21-22 mph pace. Before the hill pitched, up I came by from the #3 spot to take over up front, but it was probably deemed more of an attack again. I was surprised to look back at one point and find no one latched on. Since I was making ground on PV, I decided to try and see if I can get on his wheel before Turtle Rock. Either he knew or just did intervals on the hill, but I was not able to catch him until after we turned right.
Vince and Todd caught us as well, and Vince did one of his crit passes on me while pulling PV. Gotta love the guy. We all made our way to Campus along with Shannon. On the rise up Bonita Canyon after turning left, Todd led us out, but I jumped to the front feeling pretty recovered from the light. This may have been a little overzealous on my part though since after Todd came back around and then Shannon, I popped off their back wheel and Vince came around from behind me to jump on theirs. It was only by the grace of the Lord himself that the light on Anteater was red allowing me and PV to catch them.
After the light, I felt recovered and took the front but Todd generously relieved me being he had to get back where he was skipping the Duplex. Thanks! In the end, Vince, PV and I would take on the Duplex together...okay, somewhat together. I led us up on Ford but was madly trying to recover from the pace throughout the ride. On the downhill after I took a swig, Vince launched an attack on the downhill just before the turn up Jamboree. PV stayed behind me where I expected he would launch one too, but he never did. Once I made the turn, I found a pretty good rhythm I could hold which after some time allowed me to make my way past Vince. I thought I had a pretty decent pace but I was still 7 seconds off my top time here. When I turned right, I did swing out a little just beforehand and a car came rather close to me with Vince witnessing the whole thing. I'm glad we didn't make contact...I didn't want another car to lose it's bumper. HA HA
Great outing today with perfect weather, solid performances throughout, and overall an excellent workout.
Thanks, gents!
Originally, I had hoped to get everyone to push today by asking that they get a PR on Strava on any segment or pay a buck otherwise. While this did not get enough buy in with PV suggesting we just have a no pressure ride, we set aside my idea for today. Needless to say, as of the time of this writing, it does not appear anyone missed getting a PR of some sort today. How's that for a "no pressure" ride?
16 of us made it out again today with some people donning full BRCM red, thanks to Terri Timberman and Eric Brandt. The new kit inspired me to push early today, so on E. Peltason, I opted to pull an S-Gary. Of course, in typical fashion everyone comes along knowing that resistance is futile. On Anteater, Todd and PV kept the pace up all the way to Bonita Canyon where PV just missed taking away my KOM for that segment by 3 seconds.
On the rise up toward Sunnyhill, the group started to get strung out already. Fortunately for me, I was just able to latch on to the guys up front just as we were making a left on Sunnyhill. I got a little worked though, so I just hung on all the way down to the bottom of Turtle Rock. Once we got there, however, I decided to contribute (or attack depending on how you see it) and jumped to the front. Todd worked with me here, but this was one of his least favorite climbs so I took advantage just before the Ridgeline stop sign and sprinted off.
After the stop sign, Vince came around both of us (chewing me out in the locker room for checking up because the hill didn't end at the stop sign...HA HA), and led Todd, Galen and myself toward Shady. I believe we all expected Shannon to come around any moment, but he must have been tired or something. Shady was still pretty quick and despite Galen's shoulder, he still took a pull here to keep the pace up. I believe either Todd and/or Vince got to the top just ahead of me. All I know is by the time we were heading down, they were both in front of me.
Vince got just a little ahead of Todd and I on the bike trail, but we all got together to keep the pace up all the way to Ridgeline. No sprint to the bridge today, thank goodness. As we got caught at the light there, others caught up at this point reducing our breakaway to nothing. HA HA. Since PV opted to skip the intersection and climb up the sidewalk, we actually fell behind as a result.
Once the light turned green, Todd led us up Ridgeline at an impressive 21-22 mph pace. Before the hill pitched, up I came by from the #3 spot to take over up front, but it was probably deemed more of an attack again. I was surprised to look back at one point and find no one latched on. Since I was making ground on PV, I decided to try and see if I can get on his wheel before Turtle Rock. Either he knew or just did intervals on the hill, but I was not able to catch him until after we turned right.
Vince and Todd caught us as well, and Vince did one of his crit passes on me while pulling PV. Gotta love the guy. We all made our way to Campus along with Shannon. On the rise up Bonita Canyon after turning left, Todd led us out, but I jumped to the front feeling pretty recovered from the light. This may have been a little overzealous on my part though since after Todd came back around and then Shannon, I popped off their back wheel and Vince came around from behind me to jump on theirs. It was only by the grace of the Lord himself that the light on Anteater was red allowing me and PV to catch them.
After the light, I felt recovered and took the front but Todd generously relieved me being he had to get back where he was skipping the Duplex. Thanks! In the end, Vince, PV and I would take on the Duplex together...okay, somewhat together. I led us up on Ford but was madly trying to recover from the pace throughout the ride. On the downhill after I took a swig, Vince launched an attack on the downhill just before the turn up Jamboree. PV stayed behind me where I expected he would launch one too, but he never did. Once I made the turn, I found a pretty good rhythm I could hold which after some time allowed me to make my way past Vince. I thought I had a pretty decent pace but I was still 7 seconds off my top time here. When I turned right, I did swing out a little just beforehand and a car came rather close to me with Vince witnessing the whole thing. I'm glad we didn't make contact...I didn't want another car to lose it's bumper. HA HA
Great outing today with perfect weather, solid performances throughout, and overall an excellent workout.
Thanks, gents!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
BRCM Lunch - Summit NPC Newport Ridge Spyglass San Miguel PCH BB Jamboree
So who didn't come out today? The head count was 16 all together, so this was probably THE biggest lunch outing that I can recall. On top of that, Eddie FINALLY made an appearance again. I must say, when I arrived at "the corner" and saw him, I had to look up and make sure the sky wasn't falling as I was certain it would before he came out again.
Everyone patiently waited for Todd at the corner, and once we saw him coming, we started to roll. I guess Todd either felt bad and raced up to the front to work for the guys, or he perceived us leaving as an act of aggression and thought immediately to try and drop us. Either way, WTF?!? And I'm not talking about Galen's bike either.
On E. Peltason, Gary unfortunately busted a spoke and couldn't continue from there. Some people stayed while others took off. I contemplated staying, but 1) it was close to work, 2) no one REALLY knew the route, and 3) it would hurt to try and catch the pack after Gary confirmed he didn't need any help. We still got strung out some on Anteater, but I wasn't about to blow it up here again considering the last time.
Thankfully, we did manage to regroup at the left turn to Turtle Ridge, but Todd and Jaffe opted for some extra credit and busted a U-turn at the following light. Show offs.
For the charge up Summit, I decided to try and improve my strava position here. Todd, however, decided to defend the hill and got to the top first. I think everyone was just behind us here and came around just seconds after.
I think we all regrouped on the light to go up NPC. Todd and Vince decided to break away early, but since Shannon was with me, I thought I'd stay on his wheel as he made his way past everyone else. Can you say DUMB? Once he started to close the gap on Vince and Todd, this was enough for me to decide that his pace wasn't for me. To boot, once these 3 get together, you can pretty much expect not to catch them again unless the traffic lights work in your favor. In today's case, they did not. My last glimpse of them was near the top of Spyglass and that was it.
I did make my way up NPC with Adrian and Eddie not too far behind. They were able to latch on by the time we hit the Newport Ridge loop where Adrian started to comment on how I could possibly be sweating so much in 65 degree temperature. Of course, this was while he conveniently sat in my draft for most of this loop. When he did decide to get up front, I think it was for all of 15 seconds before rolling off. Despite my "suggestion" to him to keep working, I went by him only to realize he was trying to set me up for a pass near the top to maintain his KOM for this section. If he was going to get/keep it, he'd have to work though so I turned around and passed him right back to finish ahead by San Joaquin. Since he started the hill after me though, he was able to advance his last time and keep his KOM. Adrian, you're welcome.
As we got on San Joaquin, Adrian and I exchanged pulls but before the crest, Eddie jumped ahead to take a pull (again, wha?). He jumped a little too fast for the both of us though where before we could even latch on, Eddie was already waving us by to pass. HA HA. I took the front as we started shooting down the hill after the crest and when Adrian started to pass, I yelled out turn right on Spyglass. Since he didn't appear to slow down, I yelled it out 2 more times. Eddie ended up zooming past me as well despite my efforts to tell them to turn right. Now, I published the route beforehand, I described it probably twice at the corner, and even after calling it out 3 times, they still kept going forward where my spider senses tell me...intentional? HA HA
I wasn't going to skip Spyglass due to this and made the right turn. Again, I saw the 3 amigos just at the top, but I wasn't really sure how the hill was going to be where I didn't want to chance sprinting up it only to blow up midway. By the time I did get to the top, I kept thinking "that's it?" Weak. I got held up at the light on San Miguel and the one just before San Joaquin where Seon rolled up on me at that point. When we made our way to McArthur, that light held us up for a while where everyone else caught us for the left turn to McArthur.
Jaffe, as usual, got up to the front of the light and wanted to take the initial pull, or so it seemed. I, however, was a little annoyed at all the lights and decided to kick it up from there and jumped to the front bringing the group to the Jamboree light at a pretty decent clip (even got a PR on PCH segment). Paul came up and was giving me kudos for the pace, but I thought he was going to complain about all the sweat. HA HA.
After again spending some time at the light, Jaffe once again takes off from the front, but I reeled him in with others in tow midway down before Bayside. On Bayside, the group got a little strung out, and I think only Jaffe and Seon or Vin was with me for a bit. I did manage to break away on the bike trail by the trailer park, but Jaffe caught me as I got on Back Bay Drive after yielding to a car.
He stayed with me on Back Bay and took a couple good pulls after San Joaquin to help keep the pace up around 26 mph. Thanks! We did get separated on the sprinter hill to the top but he and Seon were able to catch me at the light on Jamboree/Bison. We ran into Mike Z. on Bison, and I thought the big guy was up for a sprint to CA. However, he ended up stopping at the light and I kept going (not realizing the light had changed).
Overall, another great training day for the books (except for Gary...sorry, bud). Looks like some good movement on Strava again today along with lots of PRs and a 20.2/20.3 average for this route. I'll take it. Good job, gents!
So who didn't come out today? The head count was 16 all together, so this was probably THE biggest lunch outing that I can recall. On top of that, Eddie FINALLY made an appearance again. I must say, when I arrived at "the corner" and saw him, I had to look up and make sure the sky wasn't falling as I was certain it would before he came out again.
Everyone patiently waited for Todd at the corner, and once we saw him coming, we started to roll. I guess Todd either felt bad and raced up to the front to work for the guys, or he perceived us leaving as an act of aggression and thought immediately to try and drop us. Either way, WTF?!? And I'm not talking about Galen's bike either.
On E. Peltason, Gary unfortunately busted a spoke and couldn't continue from there. Some people stayed while others took off. I contemplated staying, but 1) it was close to work, 2) no one REALLY knew the route, and 3) it would hurt to try and catch the pack after Gary confirmed he didn't need any help. We still got strung out some on Anteater, but I wasn't about to blow it up here again considering the last time.
Thankfully, we did manage to regroup at the left turn to Turtle Ridge, but Todd and Jaffe opted for some extra credit and busted a U-turn at the following light. Show offs.
For the charge up Summit, I decided to try and improve my strava position here. Todd, however, decided to defend the hill and got to the top first. I think everyone was just behind us here and came around just seconds after.
I think we all regrouped on the light to go up NPC. Todd and Vince decided to break away early, but since Shannon was with me, I thought I'd stay on his wheel as he made his way past everyone else. Can you say DUMB? Once he started to close the gap on Vince and Todd, this was enough for me to decide that his pace wasn't for me. To boot, once these 3 get together, you can pretty much expect not to catch them again unless the traffic lights work in your favor. In today's case, they did not. My last glimpse of them was near the top of Spyglass and that was it.
I did make my way up NPC with Adrian and Eddie not too far behind. They were able to latch on by the time we hit the Newport Ridge loop where Adrian started to comment on how I could possibly be sweating so much in 65 degree temperature. Of course, this was while he conveniently sat in my draft for most of this loop. When he did decide to get up front, I think it was for all of 15 seconds before rolling off. Despite my "suggestion" to him to keep working, I went by him only to realize he was trying to set me up for a pass near the top to maintain his KOM for this section. If he was going to get/keep it, he'd have to work though so I turned around and passed him right back to finish ahead by San Joaquin. Since he started the hill after me though, he was able to advance his last time and keep his KOM. Adrian, you're welcome.
As we got on San Joaquin, Adrian and I exchanged pulls but before the crest, Eddie jumped ahead to take a pull (again, wha?). He jumped a little too fast for the both of us though where before we could even latch on, Eddie was already waving us by to pass. HA HA. I took the front as we started shooting down the hill after the crest and when Adrian started to pass, I yelled out turn right on Spyglass. Since he didn't appear to slow down, I yelled it out 2 more times. Eddie ended up zooming past me as well despite my efforts to tell them to turn right. Now, I published the route beforehand, I described it probably twice at the corner, and even after calling it out 3 times, they still kept going forward where my spider senses tell me...intentional? HA HA
I wasn't going to skip Spyglass due to this and made the right turn. Again, I saw the 3 amigos just at the top, but I wasn't really sure how the hill was going to be where I didn't want to chance sprinting up it only to blow up midway. By the time I did get to the top, I kept thinking "that's it?" Weak. I got held up at the light on San Miguel and the one just before San Joaquin where Seon rolled up on me at that point. When we made our way to McArthur, that light held us up for a while where everyone else caught us for the left turn to McArthur.
Jaffe, as usual, got up to the front of the light and wanted to take the initial pull, or so it seemed. I, however, was a little annoyed at all the lights and decided to kick it up from there and jumped to the front bringing the group to the Jamboree light at a pretty decent clip (even got a PR on PCH segment). Paul came up and was giving me kudos for the pace, but I thought he was going to complain about all the sweat. HA HA.
After again spending some time at the light, Jaffe once again takes off from the front, but I reeled him in with others in tow midway down before Bayside. On Bayside, the group got a little strung out, and I think only Jaffe and Seon or Vin was with me for a bit. I did manage to break away on the bike trail by the trailer park, but Jaffe caught me as I got on Back Bay Drive after yielding to a car.
He stayed with me on Back Bay and took a couple good pulls after San Joaquin to help keep the pace up around 26 mph. Thanks! We did get separated on the sprinter hill to the top but he and Seon were able to catch me at the light on Jamboree/Bison. We ran into Mike Z. on Bison, and I thought the big guy was up for a sprint to CA. However, he ended up stopping at the light and I kept going (not realizing the light had changed).
Overall, another great training day for the books (except for Gary...sorry, bud). Looks like some good movement on Strava again today along with lots of PRs and a 20.2/20.3 average for this route. I'll take it. Good job, gents!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Team BRCM - Baldy Trainer
I have to admit, there's no training comparable to Mt. Baldy. 7 sisters is not easy, but to be able to get in 6400 vert in 27 miles is absolutely nuts. Despite this, Vince, Shannon, Gary and Verm came out with me today to knock this one out and knock it out we did.
The weather couldn't have been any better. It was only slightly cool in the morning, and the rest of the ride was pretty comfortable. I had brought all my colder weather gear, but ended up only wearing arm mistake. I forgot to take them off. Otherwise, not even a base layer was necessary today. And when we rode in the shade, it was perfect.
On Glendora Mtn Road (GMR), Gary and Verm decided to make a break early and had gotten a pretty good jump before the gate. Upon arriving at the gate, that's when I decided to pick the pace up but Vince and Shannon lingered not too far behind. After some time, I was able to make my way up to Verm who was holding a good solid pace. Then, Shannon got ahead of me and I contemplated on trying to hang on but decided not to violate the first rule of our fight club. Vince, however, did latch onto Shannon's wheel and held on a lot longer than he had previously up this same hill. I finally saw Gary after the two had passed me, and he must have been in Big Bear mode since getting past him took just as long as it did then.
Although Shannon and Vince had gapped me pretty good, I started to feel better at some point and was able to pick up the pace even more. At some point, I was able to see Vince again after he dropped off from behind Shannon. I gave chase at that point, and each time I was getting close, he would take off enough where I could never get up on his wheel. That was awesome! I had hoped to ride with him just before the fork, but I had to succumb to just rolling up just behind him as we got there and where Shannon was waiting for us. Verm rolled in shortly after followed by Gary. The rest stop there was pretty minimal.
We started up GRR and Gary busted an attack again (BAM!) and kept a pretty good pace where it again took a while to get up to him. I think Verm also launched an attack as well either before or after we finally caught Gary, and we chased him down as well. Shannon and I got by where Verm held on for a bit, but after a while, it was just Shannon and I. Vince was hanging off the back and just wasn't feeling it after the run up GMR, so he wasn't pushing the pace and let us all go ahead.
Shannon was staying just behind me as we made our way through GRR, and rule #5 had me just pushing despite the inevitable. Shannon eventually got by me, but I did decide to violate our #1 fight club rule and hang on. I started to fall off just a little, but was able to make ground on one of the few downhills through this ridge. I even took the front for a bit again, but that didn't last too long. As he again began to gap me, we just hit the downhill toward the village and this allowed me to get back behind him by the time we got to the bottom.
We decided to just keep going rather than regrouping just to get it done. I was hoping he'd just wait for the others while I got a head start, but that didn't happen. HA HA. I did start out leading us up the hill but when he got in front, I reverted back to the above fight club rule. I still caught glimpses of Shannon and even up the last 400 feet before the lifts, but pretty much was way off the back going up. For the record, this section never gets any easier. I've never pedaled so slow on the shortest gear in my life. Thoughts of sidewinding came up, but I knew the guys would give me crap if I had, so slow and steady as she goes all the way to the top with Shannon waiting and already refueling.
Verm came up next and then Gary. Both were wondering where Vince was and were convinced he had passed them. However, as Vince was not up here waiting, we began wondering if he had a mechanical. We were planning on going down to look for him to make sure he was okay when he rolled up a just beforehand. He wasn't have a great day, but since the weather and conditions were so good, he couldn't pass up just making it to the top to finish the route rather than waiting at the fire station.
After refueling and filling up the bottles, we were off again. I decided to record this section on the GoPro since the downhills are always epic. Vince led the charge followed by Shannon, Gary and then Verm. I was recording everyone in the beginning, but as Verm had dropped off the back, I got up behind Gary. Once a gap had formed in front of Gary, I went ahead to make sure the first 2 didn't get too far away. And then it happened again...SNAP! The camera goes flying off the handlebar and tumbling down into the dirt. If it had fallen off one of the cliffs, I would not have been unhappy. However, since it didn't, I went to retrieve it while Gary waited. Verm made his way passed at that point, and Shannon and Vince were gone.
After retrieving the camera, Gary and I took off. We hit this really fast section and I just took advantage and let gravity take over. Gary was saving it for the last 1000 feet of climbing, so I ended up just going on. I started up GRR and saw that Verm had started out just ahead of me. I could see Vince and Shannon near the top already though, and I REALLY wanted to ride down with them. I was feeling some adrenalin from being pissed off with my camera situation, so I worked on chasing them down. Although I didn't see them for a while after making my way to the top, I finally caught a glimpse of Shannon after a while and started sprinting up some of the hills just to make ground. I was just about on him as he and Vince stopped at the fork to wait for the others, so I was happy to get there and be ready for the GMR downhill fun.
After regrouping, we were off to GMR and I was hoping to keep a pace to keep us together but Verm decided it was just not fast enough. He tears off, and Vince gets up behind him. I wasn't about to not have anyone to ride with down the hill again, so I gave chase too. We hit some downhill sections where Vince got ahead of Verm and ultimately I did too, but on another rise, Verm launched another attack again! Vince and I responded and managed to get ahead eventually after a subsequently it started going downhill again.
Vince was just slightly ahead of me, and as I tried to make my way up to him, a few motorcycles had come up behind us so I kept waving them on when I thought it was safe for them to pass. Vince, on the other hand, started actually riding with them in their pack and even got a thumbs up from one of the motorcyclists. This allowed him to have a pretty good gap on him, so I was in chase mode once again. I slowly made ground on him through all the turns, but he kept getting up and sprinting out of some of the exits. It was only on the last bend before the straight to the gates that I finally was able to make my up to him. We still kept the pace up all the way to Sierra Madre as well never relenting. Hell, that's what we paid for with all the hill climbing, right?
We all made it back safely to the high school free of any mechanicals, flats, or any other hazards, although we did see some pretty big friggin' tarantulas crossing the street on the way down. We did up the post ride celebration in style with multiple coolers, a pop-up and some chairs like civilized people. Overall, we couldn't ask for a better training day than today. Thanks to all those who came out.
P.S. I'm not able to offload anything from my camera. AAAARRRRGGGHHH!
Got it!
I have to admit, there's no training comparable to Mt. Baldy. 7 sisters is not easy, but to be able to get in 6400 vert in 27 miles is absolutely nuts. Despite this, Vince, Shannon, Gary and Verm came out with me today to knock this one out and knock it out we did.
The weather couldn't have been any better. It was only slightly cool in the morning, and the rest of the ride was pretty comfortable. I had brought all my colder weather gear, but ended up only wearing arm mistake. I forgot to take them off. Otherwise, not even a base layer was necessary today. And when we rode in the shade, it was perfect.
On Glendora Mtn Road (GMR), Gary and Verm decided to make a break early and had gotten a pretty good jump before the gate. Upon arriving at the gate, that's when I decided to pick the pace up but Vince and Shannon lingered not too far behind. After some time, I was able to make my way up to Verm who was holding a good solid pace. Then, Shannon got ahead of me and I contemplated on trying to hang on but decided not to violate the first rule of our fight club. Vince, however, did latch onto Shannon's wheel and held on a lot longer than he had previously up this same hill. I finally saw Gary after the two had passed me, and he must have been in Big Bear mode since getting past him took just as long as it did then.
Although Shannon and Vince had gapped me pretty good, I started to feel better at some point and was able to pick up the pace even more. At some point, I was able to see Vince again after he dropped off from behind Shannon. I gave chase at that point, and each time I was getting close, he would take off enough where I could never get up on his wheel. That was awesome! I had hoped to ride with him just before the fork, but I had to succumb to just rolling up just behind him as we got there and where Shannon was waiting for us. Verm rolled in shortly after followed by Gary. The rest stop there was pretty minimal.
We started up GRR and Gary busted an attack again (BAM!) and kept a pretty good pace where it again took a while to get up to him. I think Verm also launched an attack as well either before or after we finally caught Gary, and we chased him down as well. Shannon and I got by where Verm held on for a bit, but after a while, it was just Shannon and I. Vince was hanging off the back and just wasn't feeling it after the run up GMR, so he wasn't pushing the pace and let us all go ahead.
Shannon was staying just behind me as we made our way through GRR, and rule #5 had me just pushing despite the inevitable. Shannon eventually got by me, but I did decide to violate our #1 fight club rule and hang on. I started to fall off just a little, but was able to make ground on one of the few downhills through this ridge. I even took the front for a bit again, but that didn't last too long. As he again began to gap me, we just hit the downhill toward the village and this allowed me to get back behind him by the time we got to the bottom.
We decided to just keep going rather than regrouping just to get it done. I was hoping he'd just wait for the others while I got a head start, but that didn't happen. HA HA. I did start out leading us up the hill but when he got in front, I reverted back to the above fight club rule. I still caught glimpses of Shannon and even up the last 400 feet before the lifts, but pretty much was way off the back going up. For the record, this section never gets any easier. I've never pedaled so slow on the shortest gear in my life. Thoughts of sidewinding came up, but I knew the guys would give me crap if I had, so slow and steady as she goes all the way to the top with Shannon waiting and already refueling.
Verm came up next and then Gary. Both were wondering where Vince was and were convinced he had passed them. However, as Vince was not up here waiting, we began wondering if he had a mechanical. We were planning on going down to look for him to make sure he was okay when he rolled up a just beforehand. He wasn't have a great day, but since the weather and conditions were so good, he couldn't pass up just making it to the top to finish the route rather than waiting at the fire station.
After refueling and filling up the bottles, we were off again. I decided to record this section on the GoPro since the downhills are always epic. Vince led the charge followed by Shannon, Gary and then Verm. I was recording everyone in the beginning, but as Verm had dropped off the back, I got up behind Gary. Once a gap had formed in front of Gary, I went ahead to make sure the first 2 didn't get too far away. And then it happened again...SNAP! The camera goes flying off the handlebar and tumbling down into the dirt. If it had fallen off one of the cliffs, I would not have been unhappy. However, since it didn't, I went to retrieve it while Gary waited. Verm made his way passed at that point, and Shannon and Vince were gone.
After retrieving the camera, Gary and I took off. We hit this really fast section and I just took advantage and let gravity take over. Gary was saving it for the last 1000 feet of climbing, so I ended up just going on. I started up GRR and saw that Verm had started out just ahead of me. I could see Vince and Shannon near the top already though, and I REALLY wanted to ride down with them. I was feeling some adrenalin from being pissed off with my camera situation, so I worked on chasing them down. Although I didn't see them for a while after making my way to the top, I finally caught a glimpse of Shannon after a while and started sprinting up some of the hills just to make ground. I was just about on him as he and Vince stopped at the fork to wait for the others, so I was happy to get there and be ready for the GMR downhill fun.
After regrouping, we were off to GMR and I was hoping to keep a pace to keep us together but Verm decided it was just not fast enough. He tears off, and Vince gets up behind him. I wasn't about to not have anyone to ride with down the hill again, so I gave chase too. We hit some downhill sections where Vince got ahead of Verm and ultimately I did too, but on another rise, Verm launched another attack again! Vince and I responded and managed to get ahead eventually after a subsequently it started going downhill again.
Vince was just slightly ahead of me, and as I tried to make my way up to him, a few motorcycles had come up behind us so I kept waving them on when I thought it was safe for them to pass. Vince, on the other hand, started actually riding with them in their pack and even got a thumbs up from one of the motorcyclists. This allowed him to have a pretty good gap on him, so I was in chase mode once again. I slowly made ground on him through all the turns, but he kept getting up and sprinting out of some of the exits. It was only on the last bend before the straight to the gates that I finally was able to make my up to him. We still kept the pace up all the way to Sierra Madre as well never relenting. Hell, that's what we paid for with all the hill climbing, right?
We all made it back safely to the high school free of any mechanicals, flats, or any other hazards, although we did see some pretty big friggin' tarantulas crossing the street on the way down. We did up the post ride celebration in style with multiple coolers, a pop-up and some chairs like civilized people. Overall, we couldn't ask for a better training day than today. Thanks to all those who came out.
P.S. I'm not able to offload anything from my camera. AAAARRRRGGGHHH!
Got it!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
BRCM Lunch - Vince's Thursday Strava Run
For the record, if there's any ride where the primary solicitation to obtain interest is through the use of designated Strava segments, you may want to consider spin class instead if BAM isn't the mode in which you operate. Vince set up today's route and defined 4 segments that we would shoot for in advanced. Here are their names and links:
For the record, if there's any ride where the primary solicitation to obtain interest is through the use of designated Strava segments, you may want to consider spin class instead if BAM isn't the mode in which you operate. Vince set up today's route and defined 4 segments that we would shoot for in advanced. Here are their names and links:
S-Gary Peltason
San J to Signal
Anti CA
Now the plan was to take it easy in between each segment so we can charge them hard, but things rarely ever work out this way...including today.
Once we rounded E. Peltason, Vince launched an assault where immediately I knew he was going for the first KOM. Oddly enough...he already held it. Can you say "maniacal?" Of course, I've always wanted to improve my position for this segment, but I rarely believe it's optimal considering it's so early on in the ride. I ended up giving chase, and although I didn't ever catch up to Vince fully, my start time was a little further back than his, so I managed to secure the top spot. I blew up my legs doing so, however, and could barely pedal on Bonita Canyon as everyone passed me. Shannon, Todd, Vince and Seon had gotten away off the front, but I managed to stay with others who pulled while I tried desperately to recover.
Unfortunately (fortunately for my legs though), the guys up front got the light ahead of us to head up San Miguel together and subsequently Spyglass. The rest of us just missed Spyglass and waited out a light before we were able to hit the next segment. PV had been up front but had to stop due to a chain drop. I think he ended up hitting it 2 more times just to start over and see what he could get. Crazy. I tried to hit it hard, but about 3/4 of the way up, I thought I felt my bike slow down unnaturally (the ol' dreaded brake rub), so as I neared the top I decided to check it out. I did notice that my rear wheel was not trued before I started the ride (after just getting it back!), so I figured I better check. Gary and the others stopped and although I encouraged them to continue, they helped me check it out and Gary opened up my brakes even more. This is not ideal for downhills, but who uses brake on downhills, right? I was opting to go back, but Gary just said come with us. I'm I did. It looks like the other guys were battling on this hill though, and Vince (KOM) and Todd took Robert Henderson down (as expected). I'm sure Shannon was up there too if he hadn't forgot his Garmin. Of all days....
We all started the next segment together (San Joaq hill) with Gary leading us out and the other guys ahead of us no where to be seen. I still managed to find a decent pace going up the hill, and Mitch stuck me like rice on sticky rice. In the end, it doesn't look like anyone advanced their position on this segment, but that's okay....9 out of the top 10 guys, including Vince being the KOM holder, are Team BRCM riders.
Despite the last segment defined for the ride not being until the "Anti-CA" (which just means a different way to get back to work other than using California Ave), the guys didn't let up hardly anywhere else...even places I thought we agreed we would. This did cause more Strava movements elsewhere, of course. A new segment was even created based on this horseshoe loop we did just off the top of San Joaquin, and this populated very quickly based on today's results with Adrian taking top honors from his solo outing. We'll have to fix this someday. :)
On the final segment, Todd wasn't feeling it so Shannon, Vince and I decided to give it a charge with Shannon taking the initial pull. I tried to get in front of him early on, but you know how that goes sometime. It took almost getting to where the trail forked before I was finally able to get passed and give the final lead out. Just before I popped, Vince swung around and charged it to secure the top spot here too...over his previous record from yesterday.
Overall, this was another day of sheer craziness for the books. I don't think I'll be following these guys on the trail atop Back Bay again though anytime soon in the frenzy they were in, but otherwise it was another awesome workout. As always, thanks, gents!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Portola Challenge
You ever see the dog races where the greyhounds chase the mechanical rabbit around a track. Picture that for today's ride, but instead, imagine that the greyhounds are rabid, hungry, and the mechanical rabbit was leaking actual blood as it went around the course. That might just be how today's ride can be described.
The plan was I would take off 2 minutes early, everyone would be entitled to leave anytime after that to chase me down. The route was Portola OAB with a Jamboree finish. First one to pass me wins and anyone who doesn't pass me before CA pay $1 to the team post ride festivities fund. Simple enough, right? Two things I would do different though if we do this again: either add 1-2 more minutes for the rabbit or use better yet, use a stronger rabbit.
I took off on time and managed to get past the first 2 lights with minimal waiting. By the time I got on University, I sat and sweated out the light and saw that 11:45 had come and gone. Once the light changed, I was off and trying my best to manage a consistent TT type pace vs. killing it only to fall short and be caught right away. Slow and steady wins races, right? Not with these hungry animals. I couldn't believe I already saw them on approach once I got to the light to cross Barranca on Harvard. I had done upwards of 23 mph average getting there, so just imagine what these guys were doing.
Fortunately, I got the light just as they were starting to cross the bridge, so I just put my head down and kept going. I believe I had to stop at one light on Harvard, but looking over my shoulder, I didn't see anyone coming yet. I still knew it was only a matter of time.
As I made my way toward Portola, I was certain that they were going to catch me. I was surprised when I looked back at the base of the climb just before Portola that I didn't see anyone. After turning around and heading back down, however, my heart jumped shortly after seeing PV leading out 5-6 guys making their way up to the turn around point. How could this be? I was at 22.4 mph average at this point! How fast were these guys going?!?
I did see Marc, Jaffe, Gary and David off the back making their way toward Portola as well, but I had no time for socializing. The rabid dogs behind me were hungry! Since it was downhill, although with a slight breeze, I just tucked down and kept going hoping to keep them at bay at least until Harvard. Thoughts of a 3 minute headstart were definitely looming in my head at the time. Then I heard it. A familiar voice...Adrian telling me to pick it up as he made his way past me earning the designated prize. 5-6 other guys passed at that point (Garmin showed 22.6 average), and I have to say I was just glad it was over...or so I thought.
These guys weren't satisfied with just catching me...they still wanted to put the hurt on the rest of the way back. BAM! There was no way I was getting back in the rotation based on the pace. Verm, Todd, Shannon, PV, Adrian and Mitchell were working together and all I could do was hang on. There were some ridiculous pulls out there, and at one point, we ran into Vince who decided to join the mayhem and keep the pace up on the trails heading to CA and Jamboree.
Shannon took the last pull to CA, and no one was willing to participate in this common sprint point at that time. The crazy thing was I heard he didn't even start with the rest of the group and was about 2 minutes behind only to reel them in by Harvard. By himself. Absurd.
Vince broke off at Jamboree to head toward BB and do his own thing, so he didn't join us going up Jamboree. Todd and I started about the same time, but I jumped ahead with him sticking to me like white on rice. Literally, right? Anyway, I had a pretty good pace going up but about 2/3 of the way up, LTJ makes his move and works his way past me. I was definitely more fresh at this point, so I was able to catch his wheel as he passed and found some renewed energy just before the crest. so I took it...and broke a major rule of engagement (Top Gun, 1986). I got by LTJ and also ended up getting the KOM on Strava (sorry, Noah). LTJ is a competitive fellow though, so he wasn't too happy about it. Since I know BAM mentality though, I expected nothing less. If he didn't push that last part, I wouldn't have pushed any harder either, so thanks to him for doing so.
After all that, these guys were still pushing it on Bison. The average speeds reach by the others were amazing! PV and Shannon were in the 22.9 and Todd hit 23.4, with Strava even having deducted a 10th according to his display. We'll have to throw that into the next average speed. We're probably also going to need to find a safer playground at these speeds.
Congrats to Adrian and the others. I hope everyone enjoyed the challenge. I didn't. Great training day.
You ever see the dog races where the greyhounds chase the mechanical rabbit around a track. Picture that for today's ride, but instead, imagine that the greyhounds are rabid, hungry, and the mechanical rabbit was leaking actual blood as it went around the course. That might just be how today's ride can be described.
The plan was I would take off 2 minutes early, everyone would be entitled to leave anytime after that to chase me down. The route was Portola OAB with a Jamboree finish. First one to pass me wins and anyone who doesn't pass me before CA pay $1 to the team post ride festivities fund. Simple enough, right? Two things I would do different though if we do this again: either add 1-2 more minutes for the rabbit or use better yet, use a stronger rabbit.
I took off on time and managed to get past the first 2 lights with minimal waiting. By the time I got on University, I sat and sweated out the light and saw that 11:45 had come and gone. Once the light changed, I was off and trying my best to manage a consistent TT type pace vs. killing it only to fall short and be caught right away. Slow and steady wins races, right? Not with these hungry animals. I couldn't believe I already saw them on approach once I got to the light to cross Barranca on Harvard. I had done upwards of 23 mph average getting there, so just imagine what these guys were doing.
Fortunately, I got the light just as they were starting to cross the bridge, so I just put my head down and kept going. I believe I had to stop at one light on Harvard, but looking over my shoulder, I didn't see anyone coming yet. I still knew it was only a matter of time.
As I made my way toward Portola, I was certain that they were going to catch me. I was surprised when I looked back at the base of the climb just before Portola that I didn't see anyone. After turning around and heading back down, however, my heart jumped shortly after seeing PV leading out 5-6 guys making their way up to the turn around point. How could this be? I was at 22.4 mph average at this point! How fast were these guys going?!?
I did see Marc, Jaffe, Gary and David off the back making their way toward Portola as well, but I had no time for socializing. The rabid dogs behind me were hungry! Since it was downhill, although with a slight breeze, I just tucked down and kept going hoping to keep them at bay at least until Harvard. Thoughts of a 3 minute headstart were definitely looming in my head at the time. Then I heard it. A familiar voice...Adrian telling me to pick it up as he made his way past me earning the designated prize. 5-6 other guys passed at that point (Garmin showed 22.6 average), and I have to say I was just glad it was over...or so I thought.
These guys weren't satisfied with just catching me...they still wanted to put the hurt on the rest of the way back. BAM! There was no way I was getting back in the rotation based on the pace. Verm, Todd, Shannon, PV, Adrian and Mitchell were working together and all I could do was hang on. There were some ridiculous pulls out there, and at one point, we ran into Vince who decided to join the mayhem and keep the pace up on the trails heading to CA and Jamboree.
Shannon took the last pull to CA, and no one was willing to participate in this common sprint point at that time. The crazy thing was I heard he didn't even start with the rest of the group and was about 2 minutes behind only to reel them in by Harvard. By himself. Absurd.
Vince broke off at Jamboree to head toward BB and do his own thing, so he didn't join us going up Jamboree. Todd and I started about the same time, but I jumped ahead with him sticking to me like white on rice. Literally, right? Anyway, I had a pretty good pace going up but about 2/3 of the way up, LTJ makes his move and works his way past me. I was definitely more fresh at this point, so I was able to catch his wheel as he passed and found some renewed energy just before the crest. so I took it...and broke a major rule of engagement (Top Gun, 1986). I got by LTJ and also ended up getting the KOM on Strava (sorry, Noah). LTJ is a competitive fellow though, so he wasn't too happy about it. Since I know BAM mentality though, I expected nothing less. If he didn't push that last part, I wouldn't have pushed any harder either, so thanks to him for doing so.
After all that, these guys were still pushing it on Bison. The average speeds reach by the others were amazing! PV and Shannon were in the 22.9 and Todd hit 23.4, with Strava even having deducted a 10th according to his display. We'll have to throw that into the next average speed. We're probably also going to need to find a safer playground at these speeds.
Congrats to Adrian and the others. I hope everyone enjoyed the challenge. I didn't. Great training day.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Como St and Extra Hill Credit
Como Street:
Post Como St. Hills:
It was a slightly cool morning but perfect for getting back out to do Como again. Vince and Gary came out with me, so it was nice that we all represented Team BRCM in red. I think the new jerseys let us travel incognito though, but I think we were able to make some people notice who we were.
We met at the usual corner on Bryan where we usually do, and it was nice to actually have Vince with us than calling to see where we were at (ha ha). It wasn't long before some riders started to come around the corner, but initially we thought it was going to be a small group. Then, a bigger group rounded and we knew it was time to go.
The pace was unusually faster than I recall on Bryan where we were hitting over 20 mph already before we got to Jeffrey. Vince, Gary and I were in the back, where I was pointing out to Vince that the pace seemed unusually higher. Our assessment at that time was that there was about 40-50 riders.
As we made our way to Irvine Boulevard, the pace picked up but unlike what I remembered, it didn't seem quite as fast. Vince already started to push up closer to the front on here, but I stayed near the back with Gary. By this time, more riders seemed to have joined and the number of riders seemed to have increased noticeably. It was a good sized pack.
When we hit El Toro, the pace picked up pretty good so it was time to make our way up closer to the front. Gary came with me, and we worked our way around to where Vince was at. Others were still jockeying for position as well, so we were a few riders behind the front by the time we got to Cooks. Since Vince's last Como outing was via Manny's route and not this one, our position was not ideal as we made our way up. I had forgotten how close to the front we needed to be, so we did not get the jump that we needed going up. I had passed Vince at one point as I was trying to make my way up, but I'm glad he picked it up and stayed with me as we went over the double crest.
We did manage to reel in one guy who I had been telling Vince about how fast he was despite his size. I figured being with him after the crest was going to help us reel in the guys in front of us. As we were heading down with others rotating with us including him, he ended up taking off from the back and none of us responded not realizing he was going for an all out breakaway. He ended up breaking away pretty good, and we didn't manage to catch up to him until the intersection on Portola.
We had some good pacelining through the canyons, but I took a couple breaks 3/4 of the way through since I was worrying about Dump Hill. When I tried one more time, I was given a little push from the back to keep me honest and help out with the rotations. HA HA. It turned out it was someone Vince knew. Too funny. Vince turned it up on Dump after we were together for a while, and was broken off for a bit. However, a good sized pack had crested with me and the chase was on. Before we got to the last grade before going down to Jamboree, we were able to catch up to Vince and ultimately we ended up at the Jamboree light together.
Up Jamboree, the pace remained heated but by the top, I got to lead the group out over the crest. Then, all hell broke loose and attacks kept coming. This let us catch the rest of the guys that were in front of us on Portola. We still hauled ass headed toward Irvine Blvd, and were up front still by the time we made the turn toward the BJ's parking lot. Gary had rolled in shortly after, and mixed it up with some other riders himself.
For the 2nd part of the ride, we decided against sisters and opted to hit up Jamboree, Cannon, Serrano, and over Cannon again as well as Chapman. On Jamboree Gary and I had a pretty good pace going up and over, but Vince must have been saving it in preparation for the hills as well as recovering from the earlier ride.
As we got on Chapman, Gary's misfortune struck again where he ended up flatting the front tire and getting a staple in the rear tire. Thus, we had to change both before we could get going again. One on Cannon, I decided to improve my position on this hill and managed to make my way up to 5th. Cool. Gary and Vince weren't as interested, so we met down at the other side before E. Santiago.
Vince started up E. Santiago first followed by Gary, but I found a pretty decent pace and got ahead of them. I had broken away a little going up Serrano, but they caught me at a light. I still managed to get in front again and led the guys up at a pretty good sustained pace. Then, at one of the hill sections, I hear the sound of tires wobbling side-to-side in a sprint like manner and lo and behold, S-Gary was launching an attack to the top. Nice! I responded and we were racing up the hill. I think he just ran out of gas near the top, but the effort was awesome. As we were making our way before the big down, Vince ended up launching an attack as well. I was just able to get on his wheel but he took off once we headed downhill. I was going to as well, but my iPod had unclipped from my bib, so all I could do was coast for the most part. I think I coast fast though. Vince hit 50.7 according to Strava...I hit 51.
Up Cannon, I thought I had a pretty good pace going up but in typical BAM fashion, Vince attacked near the top again. We waited for S-G at the base of the next Cannon climb, but Vince had a good head start. I tried to reel him in, but once he saw me approaching took off near the top to fend me off. BAM!
On Chapman, he got a jump again after a light but this time, I was determined to make him work...this time I decided to strategize and launched a pass just before the top as he had done a couple times to me. This set the tone for the rest of the way and there was no more waiting at this point, the rest of the ride back was just a series of attacks and defending. It was nuts. We'd even swing out wide so as to not have the other jump on so easy, but neither of us were successful shaking the other off. Even with the on-going attempts to make the other person hurt and thus hurting ourselves in the process, this only made me want to share a beer with the guy after that much more.
Thank you guys for coming out today! Awesome training and once again, you guys helped proved that our work ethic as a team is second to none. Let's see how Palomar goes next weekend!
Post Como St. Hills:
It was a slightly cool morning but perfect for getting back out to do Como again. Vince and Gary came out with me, so it was nice that we all represented Team BRCM in red. I think the new jerseys let us travel incognito though, but I think we were able to make some people notice who we were.
We met at the usual corner on Bryan where we usually do, and it was nice to actually have Vince with us than calling to see where we were at (ha ha). It wasn't long before some riders started to come around the corner, but initially we thought it was going to be a small group. Then, a bigger group rounded and we knew it was time to go.
The pace was unusually faster than I recall on Bryan where we were hitting over 20 mph already before we got to Jeffrey. Vince, Gary and I were in the back, where I was pointing out to Vince that the pace seemed unusually higher. Our assessment at that time was that there was about 40-50 riders.
As we made our way to Irvine Boulevard, the pace picked up but unlike what I remembered, it didn't seem quite as fast. Vince already started to push up closer to the front on here, but I stayed near the back with Gary. By this time, more riders seemed to have joined and the number of riders seemed to have increased noticeably. It was a good sized pack.
When we hit El Toro, the pace picked up pretty good so it was time to make our way up closer to the front. Gary came with me, and we worked our way around to where Vince was at. Others were still jockeying for position as well, so we were a few riders behind the front by the time we got to Cooks. Since Vince's last Como outing was via Manny's route and not this one, our position was not ideal as we made our way up. I had forgotten how close to the front we needed to be, so we did not get the jump that we needed going up. I had passed Vince at one point as I was trying to make my way up, but I'm glad he picked it up and stayed with me as we went over the double crest.
We did manage to reel in one guy who I had been telling Vince about how fast he was despite his size. I figured being with him after the crest was going to help us reel in the guys in front of us. As we were heading down with others rotating with us including him, he ended up taking off from the back and none of us responded not realizing he was going for an all out breakaway. He ended up breaking away pretty good, and we didn't manage to catch up to him until the intersection on Portola.
We had some good pacelining through the canyons, but I took a couple breaks 3/4 of the way through since I was worrying about Dump Hill. When I tried one more time, I was given a little push from the back to keep me honest and help out with the rotations. HA HA. It turned out it was someone Vince knew. Too funny. Vince turned it up on Dump after we were together for a while, and was broken off for a bit. However, a good sized pack had crested with me and the chase was on. Before we got to the last grade before going down to Jamboree, we were able to catch up to Vince and ultimately we ended up at the Jamboree light together.
Up Jamboree, the pace remained heated but by the top, I got to lead the group out over the crest. Then, all hell broke loose and attacks kept coming. This let us catch the rest of the guys that were in front of us on Portola. We still hauled ass headed toward Irvine Blvd, and were up front still by the time we made the turn toward the BJ's parking lot. Gary had rolled in shortly after, and mixed it up with some other riders himself.
For the 2nd part of the ride, we decided against sisters and opted to hit up Jamboree, Cannon, Serrano, and over Cannon again as well as Chapman. On Jamboree Gary and I had a pretty good pace going up and over, but Vince must have been saving it in preparation for the hills as well as recovering from the earlier ride.
As we got on Chapman, Gary's misfortune struck again where he ended up flatting the front tire and getting a staple in the rear tire. Thus, we had to change both before we could get going again. One on Cannon, I decided to improve my position on this hill and managed to make my way up to 5th. Cool. Gary and Vince weren't as interested, so we met down at the other side before E. Santiago.
Vince started up E. Santiago first followed by Gary, but I found a pretty decent pace and got ahead of them. I had broken away a little going up Serrano, but they caught me at a light. I still managed to get in front again and led the guys up at a pretty good sustained pace. Then, at one of the hill sections, I hear the sound of tires wobbling side-to-side in a sprint like manner and lo and behold, S-Gary was launching an attack to the top. Nice! I responded and we were racing up the hill. I think he just ran out of gas near the top, but the effort was awesome. As we were making our way before the big down, Vince ended up launching an attack as well. I was just able to get on his wheel but he took off once we headed downhill. I was going to as well, but my iPod had unclipped from my bib, so all I could do was coast for the most part. I think I coast fast though. Vince hit 50.7 according to Strava...I hit 51.
Up Cannon, I thought I had a pretty good pace going up but in typical BAM fashion, Vince attacked near the top again. We waited for S-G at the base of the next Cannon climb, but Vince had a good head start. I tried to reel him in, but once he saw me approaching took off near the top to fend me off. BAM!
On Chapman, he got a jump again after a light but this time, I was determined to make him work...this time I decided to strategize and launched a pass just before the top as he had done a couple times to me. This set the tone for the rest of the way and there was no more waiting at this point, the rest of the ride back was just a series of attacks and defending. It was nuts. We'd even swing out wide so as to not have the other jump on so easy, but neither of us were successful shaking the other off. Even with the on-going attempts to make the other person hurt and thus hurting ourselves in the process, this only made me want to share a beer with the guy after that much more.
Thank you guys for coming out today! Awesome training and once again, you guys helped proved that our work ethic as a team is second to none. Let's see how Palomar goes next weekend!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Friday Coffee Crew Ride
I met up with Shannon and Gary at the corner of McArthur and Jamboree for today's coffee crew ride. This was Shannon's first time and my 2nd while Gary holds a frequent flyer card. After the last 2 days of heat, it was good to get out early and get it done. Gary and I appeared in BRCM red, but Shannon must have missed that memo as he sported his TDP jersey. We did see Page on the ride but he took the shorter course today where he turned off at Laguna Canyon to hit the 133 with some other people (including I think the hottie that works at Bike Religion).
It was still a little dark by 6:30 a.m. so the ride didn't get started until there was just a hint of sunlight in the sky. Several kitted out guys made it out, so it looked like it was going to be a good ride. I think I remember it being a little bigger last time though.
The pace was definitely very chill for a good portion of the ride. A little too chill in the beginning given it was cold up against Back Bay. Nonetheless, Shannon and I were loving it since it wasn't the typical neurotic pace we've grown so accustomed to during lunch.
There's really only one real hill on this ride, and it's off of Tesla. Even there, no one really seemed to go for it. I was keeping to the left in case anyone started break away, but there was really no one pushing it up that hill this morning. Good. We did take an additional hill (El Toro) based on Gary wanting to do some extra credit. He led up the hill, but Shannon at some point decided it was time to lay some power down. Fortunately for Gary and I, the others were at the top of the hill where we could regroup.
At the top, Gary had let Shannon and I know about the known sprint point on PCH (the concrete Corona Del Mar a little before getting into town). We may have to use this ourselves from now on. He wanted to let us know in case we wanted to set it up as well. Of course, then it became inevitable that we would.
We sat in the back of the pack down the 133 and even on PCH for a good portion of time. We did have to make our way past a couple guys who started to pop off based on the base as it seemed that the guys up front where ratcheting it up a little through the rollers. Once we got past Morrow, Shannon started making his way up, and shortly after, I followed. We were definitely making our way past a few guys (sorry to those who did all the work earlier on), but I was just following our point leader...or at least trying to. When he put the hammer down after NPC, I kept having to check myself and make sure I didn't wet my pants trying to catch up. In the end, I think we caught all but a couple guys just before the finish, One guy did pass me just before the sign, but we checked up at that point as it didn't seem like anyone was really going for it. In the end, Shannon got top honors on that segment in Strava. Good job!
Thank you guys for inviting me to come out. Nothing like getting a good kick in the pants in the morning to start the day.
I met up with Shannon and Gary at the corner of McArthur and Jamboree for today's coffee crew ride. This was Shannon's first time and my 2nd while Gary holds a frequent flyer card. After the last 2 days of heat, it was good to get out early and get it done. Gary and I appeared in BRCM red, but Shannon must have missed that memo as he sported his TDP jersey. We did see Page on the ride but he took the shorter course today where he turned off at Laguna Canyon to hit the 133 with some other people (including I think the hottie that works at Bike Religion).
It was still a little dark by 6:30 a.m. so the ride didn't get started until there was just a hint of sunlight in the sky. Several kitted out guys made it out, so it looked like it was going to be a good ride. I think I remember it being a little bigger last time though.
The pace was definitely very chill for a good portion of the ride. A little too chill in the beginning given it was cold up against Back Bay. Nonetheless, Shannon and I were loving it since it wasn't the typical neurotic pace we've grown so accustomed to during lunch.
There's really only one real hill on this ride, and it's off of Tesla. Even there, no one really seemed to go for it. I was keeping to the left in case anyone started break away, but there was really no one pushing it up that hill this morning. Good. We did take an additional hill (El Toro) based on Gary wanting to do some extra credit. He led up the hill, but Shannon at some point decided it was time to lay some power down. Fortunately for Gary and I, the others were at the top of the hill where we could regroup.
At the top, Gary had let Shannon and I know about the known sprint point on PCH (the concrete Corona Del Mar a little before getting into town). We may have to use this ourselves from now on. He wanted to let us know in case we wanted to set it up as well. Of course, then it became inevitable that we would.
We sat in the back of the pack down the 133 and even on PCH for a good portion of time. We did have to make our way past a couple guys who started to pop off based on the base as it seemed that the guys up front where ratcheting it up a little through the rollers. Once we got past Morrow, Shannon started making his way up, and shortly after, I followed. We were definitely making our way past a few guys (sorry to those who did all the work earlier on), but I was just following our point leader...or at least trying to. When he put the hammer down after NPC, I kept having to check myself and make sure I didn't wet my pants trying to catch up. In the end, I think we caught all but a couple guys just before the finish, One guy did pass me just before the sign, but we checked up at that point as it didn't seem like anyone was really going for it. In the end, Shannon got top honors on that segment in Strava. Good job!
Thank you guys for inviting me to come out. Nothing like getting a good kick in the pants in the morning to start the day.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
BRCM Lunch - What's Heat Got to Do with It?
It was nice to have reinforcements in today's ride against the madness we call LTJ since he's been stringing out the group rides earlier this week. Shannon, Vince, Adrian, S-Gary, Vin, Marc, Mitchell and Eric also came out allowing me some breathing room in the back. I did take advantage of this and actually got to warm up before we hit the hill sections. I wasn't sure how today would be as I could barely walk after yesterday's training, but an extra-strength Tylenol beforehand seemed to help. One disclaimer though: warming up in the back of these guys may not be considered a warm-up pace to most.
S-Gary did the initial lead out and gapped the group little initially (surprise, surprise), but the group was able to reel him in by Anteater. I saw others take turns up front to keep the pace up while my butt did my best just to hang on.
Once we started up San Miguel and subsequently Spyglass, I decided that the heat wasn't going to get in the way of a Strava attempt. After all, I was able to save a lot heading out given my wheel sucking abilities. I ended up breaking away from the bunch, who seemed pretty tightly packed together as they headed up, but I knew that it wouldn't last for the length of the hill. Sure enough, LTJ rolled up behind me and eventually kicked it up a notch seemingly passing me with ease. However, since there was still some hill left, I did manage to jump on his wheel and pass him before the top. I'm sure since I'm writing about it, he'll make me pay for this next week. In the end, we still missed the top spot in Strava on this by 5 seconds. In due time, this will change.
A lot of us regrouped and hit San Joaquin together. I think Todd and/or Vince pretty much led the effort up this hill, but at one point Vin seemed to launch a pretty serious attack. However, no one responded although Adrian was trying to instigate by asking "are you going to let Vin do this to you?" This, of course, was before he fell off the pace. Eventually, Todd, Vince, Shannon and myself made our way past Vin, but the attempt was noble. I did almost lose these guys wheel at one point, but just managed to get back on near the top.
Now I could have sworn someone said let's regroup at the top. I was almost certain of it. I remained in the back as a result (that and because I was again close to death) hoping that I can save some effort for Pelican. When we didn't stop on NPC at the top, I figured we'll stop somewhere before Pelican. Instead, the three guys ahead of race around that corner and very easily snapped me off the back. As we crested over the top and into the fast descent, I had hoped that I could sprint up once it pitched up like I normally would but doing so left me gassed near the top of the first rise and pretty much falling back the rest of that road, NPC and PCH. Nice. I did see Marc ahead of me on PCH (must have skipped Pelican like Vin who I also saw after turning on NPC) where I tried to chase him down but he held a pretty good pace where I couldn't do so before Poppy. Fortunately, this is where the 2 of us caught the 3 guys ahead of us at a light. Mitchell was there too.
Going through CDM was a mellower pace where I was still trying to recover from the earlier part of the route. It was nice to enjoy the scenery along with the cooler ocean breeze. Once we got on Avocado, I think everyone started drinking their water since they knew what was coming on PCH and subsequently BB. Gary and Adrian caught us here, and in typical BAM fashion, this didn't at all inhibit Gary from taking the initial pull on PCH.
I did decide to actually do some work on PCH to relieve S-G, so we kicked it up to a 25+ mph pace eventually all the way to Jamboree. Vince got a little antsy at the light to Back Bay, but we managed to all go through together unscathed.
On Back Bay, S-Gary once again did the initial lead out (you gotta like this guy) and then the rotations started to kick in with Todd and Shannon behind him. Of course, Vince had an opportunity to get behind Shannon before we entered but graciously allowed me to do so (insert saying "with friends like this...."). Thanks.
The pace picked up pretty significantly after the rotations, and things got pretty rough. I was hoping the rotations would be fast and short, but at the pace we were going, it was just enough to hang on. Eventually, only Shannon, Adrian, Vince, Todd and myself were left. Given I hadn't worked much on the initial part of the ride, I did get into the middle of the line vs. the end after one of the pulls given others were trying to recover behind me. When Vince passed me after I pulled the last time, there was a gap again and I just could not get back in that early again without blowing myself up. LTJ stepped it up at this point and closed the gap. The pace almost snapped me off as I didn't setup jumping back on behind Adrian properly. This was further exacerbated by Shannon making his way to the front where Vince had no choice but to jump back into the paceline behind Adrian. Fortunately, my Savior must have been looking down on me and somehow allowed me to finally get back on Vince's wheel. Unfortunately, I had nothing left to contest for the final sprint to the top where Adrian launched the first assault. Vince, however, responded to this attack and despite the slingshot, was able to make Adrian his son (as Vince puts it).
On Jamboree, LTJ and Vince broke off from the rest of the pack, while Shannon must have been recovering from his ultra-intense pulls on BB. Adrian decides to "pull a Vin" and launched an attack of his own about a quarter of the way up. When Shannon and I passed him, he did make the sound of a small but distinct explosion (boom). Classic.
The 5 of us got on Bison together all the way to the light on McArthur. Once the light turned green, Adrian and Todd got a jump and looked like they were going to duke it out for a sprint to California. With the lights green over the 73, Adrian took off at a pretty impressive sprint pace and with no one else responding, I felt obligated to give chase. I must say he held me off for a good while, but before California, I had to raise my arms to confirm for the others who arrived first. I guess Vince must have tired of his new son and put him up for an early adoption. Just call me Papi.
Despite today's heatwave, team BRCM once again showed their BAM spirit and managed to move up in Strava here and there and averaging 20.7 mph on this route. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Crazy, right?
Thanks, guys!
It was nice to have reinforcements in today's ride against the madness we call LTJ since he's been stringing out the group rides earlier this week. Shannon, Vince, Adrian, S-Gary, Vin, Marc, Mitchell and Eric also came out allowing me some breathing room in the back. I did take advantage of this and actually got to warm up before we hit the hill sections. I wasn't sure how today would be as I could barely walk after yesterday's training, but an extra-strength Tylenol beforehand seemed to help. One disclaimer though: warming up in the back of these guys may not be considered a warm-up pace to most.
S-Gary did the initial lead out and gapped the group little initially (surprise, surprise), but the group was able to reel him in by Anteater. I saw others take turns up front to keep the pace up while my butt did my best just to hang on.
Once we started up San Miguel and subsequently Spyglass, I decided that the heat wasn't going to get in the way of a Strava attempt. After all, I was able to save a lot heading out given my wheel sucking abilities. I ended up breaking away from the bunch, who seemed pretty tightly packed together as they headed up, but I knew that it wouldn't last for the length of the hill. Sure enough, LTJ rolled up behind me and eventually kicked it up a notch seemingly passing me with ease. However, since there was still some hill left, I did manage to jump on his wheel and pass him before the top. I'm sure since I'm writing about it, he'll make me pay for this next week. In the end, we still missed the top spot in Strava on this by 5 seconds. In due time, this will change.
A lot of us regrouped and hit San Joaquin together. I think Todd and/or Vince pretty much led the effort up this hill, but at one point Vin seemed to launch a pretty serious attack. However, no one responded although Adrian was trying to instigate by asking "are you going to let Vin do this to you?" This, of course, was before he fell off the pace. Eventually, Todd, Vince, Shannon and myself made our way past Vin, but the attempt was noble. I did almost lose these guys wheel at one point, but just managed to get back on near the top.
Now I could have sworn someone said let's regroup at the top. I was almost certain of it. I remained in the back as a result (that and because I was again close to death) hoping that I can save some effort for Pelican. When we didn't stop on NPC at the top, I figured we'll stop somewhere before Pelican. Instead, the three guys ahead of race around that corner and very easily snapped me off the back. As we crested over the top and into the fast descent, I had hoped that I could sprint up once it pitched up like I normally would but doing so left me gassed near the top of the first rise and pretty much falling back the rest of that road, NPC and PCH. Nice. I did see Marc ahead of me on PCH (must have skipped Pelican like Vin who I also saw after turning on NPC) where I tried to chase him down but he held a pretty good pace where I couldn't do so before Poppy. Fortunately, this is where the 2 of us caught the 3 guys ahead of us at a light. Mitchell was there too.
Going through CDM was a mellower pace where I was still trying to recover from the earlier part of the route. It was nice to enjoy the scenery along with the cooler ocean breeze. Once we got on Avocado, I think everyone started drinking their water since they knew what was coming on PCH and subsequently BB. Gary and Adrian caught us here, and in typical BAM fashion, this didn't at all inhibit Gary from taking the initial pull on PCH.
I did decide to actually do some work on PCH to relieve S-G, so we kicked it up to a 25+ mph pace eventually all the way to Jamboree. Vince got a little antsy at the light to Back Bay, but we managed to all go through together unscathed.
On Back Bay, S-Gary once again did the initial lead out (you gotta like this guy) and then the rotations started to kick in with Todd and Shannon behind him. Of course, Vince had an opportunity to get behind Shannon before we entered but graciously allowed me to do so (insert saying "with friends like this...."). Thanks.
The pace picked up pretty significantly after the rotations, and things got pretty rough. I was hoping the rotations would be fast and short, but at the pace we were going, it was just enough to hang on. Eventually, only Shannon, Adrian, Vince, Todd and myself were left. Given I hadn't worked much on the initial part of the ride, I did get into the middle of the line vs. the end after one of the pulls given others were trying to recover behind me. When Vince passed me after I pulled the last time, there was a gap again and I just could not get back in that early again without blowing myself up. LTJ stepped it up at this point and closed the gap. The pace almost snapped me off as I didn't setup jumping back on behind Adrian properly. This was further exacerbated by Shannon making his way to the front where Vince had no choice but to jump back into the paceline behind Adrian. Fortunately, my Savior must have been looking down on me and somehow allowed me to finally get back on Vince's wheel. Unfortunately, I had nothing left to contest for the final sprint to the top where Adrian launched the first assault. Vince, however, responded to this attack and despite the slingshot, was able to make Adrian his son (as Vince puts it).
On Jamboree, LTJ and Vince broke off from the rest of the pack, while Shannon must have been recovering from his ultra-intense pulls on BB. Adrian decides to "pull a Vin" and launched an attack of his own about a quarter of the way up. When Shannon and I passed him, he did make the sound of a small but distinct explosion (boom). Classic.
The 5 of us got on Bison together all the way to the light on McArthur. Once the light turned green, Adrian and Todd got a jump and looked like they were going to duke it out for a sprint to California. With the lights green over the 73, Adrian took off at a pretty impressive sprint pace and with no one else responding, I felt obligated to give chase. I must say he held me off for a good while, but before California, I had to raise my arms to confirm for the others who arrived first. I guess Vince must have tired of his new son and put him up for an early adoption. Just call me Papi.
Despite today's heatwave, team BRCM once again showed their BAM spirit and managed to move up in Strava here and there and averaging 20.7 mph on this route. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Crazy, right?
Thanks, guys!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Tuesday Lunch Ride - 2nd day of pain!
2 days in a row I was on my back in the gym trying to catch my breath after the ride. 2 days in a row. Maybe this Stagecoach training business is getting out of hand.
9 of us made it out today, but notably absent were PV (forgot his shoes), Shannon and Vince. These guys would have helped equalized Todd as he's going nuts out there. Mike Z. was also out with us today and actually rode with us vs. before us. He needs to talk to Eddie and get him to come out too. I think Paul Brubaker (in the Banning Bike jersey) came out with us too. Welcome and looks like we found another good rider.
On the way out, the group was pretty much together but Todd decided to turn up the heat on Anteater and strung the group out pretty good. I had to jump from the back just to make sure he doesn't break away at a light. We were lucky this time catching him at a red on Culver.
Adrian decided on a breakaway going up and over Culver, but is this ever really a good idea? Saving it for the upcoming climbs may be more prudent if you're not accustomed to leading the others out up Starcrest. This is more of an observation than a criticism. Really it is.
I think it was Paul who was leading the group up Turtle Rock after we passed Adrian, but Jaffe had broken away for a bit. We did reel him in just before Starcrest, and I led the group up afer the turn. Of course, LTJ decided to turn the heat up and all I could do was watch. Others had fallen of slightly, but they were only seconds behind. Marc had a good showing up this hill along with Vin and Adrian if memory serves me correctly. The others didn't take long to roll up as well.
On the way down toward Turtle Rock, we did pass an unsuspecting Mike Z. who was wanting to regroup at that point skipping Starcrest to ride in the pack. Adrian and LTJ had broken away, so the rest of us (okay me followed by others) gave chase. Fortunately, we were able to catch up to them just as we were getting on the sidewalk to go up Shady. They still had a little gap though, so it took a lot of effort just to get back on their wheel. Eventually, Adrian drew the white flag but LTJ didn't want his hard work to be for naught. He crested ahead of us, so the chase was once again on on the other side. It took just before getting parallel to the freeway on the bike trail to catch his wheel. I took a pull after, but opted to just sit in his draft for the sprint that only Adrian wanted to contest. Let's see how that works for him on Ridgeline.
Once we did get on Ridgeline, I thought I was going to do the pull but seemingly joking, Vin said I'll lead you up, Rich. I didn't really think it would last, but I have to admit it was a damn good pull that he held for a while just before it pitched up a little steeper. I took advantage and sling shot away from the group here deciding that I'll try and fend off LTJ at least to Turtle Rock. I succeeded but paid the price dearly after with LTJ going ahead and breaking away from the rest of the group for the rest of the ride. I caught glimpses of him as he crossed Bonita Canyon and again on Bison, but he held us off.
As I headed down Shady toward Bonita, I had passed Eric who did managed to grab my wheel and follow me down to the light. Vin, Jaffe and Marc arrived shortly after.
Jaffe led us out on Bonita Canyon, but I opted to up the pace some afterwards for a stretch. Jaffe and Vin came around just before the 73 and took the lead. As it started to pitch up, Vin launched an attack that left me chasing him all the way up to the top. It was enough to break Jaffe and Marc off, and admitted, I was nervous for myself as well. I kept him in front of me over the crest, and the SOB appeared to try to do it again before we reached McArthur. Finally, he conceded and I got by on McArthur leaving him to catch his breath. He still had some fight in him though on Bison and wanted to sprint just after the last light over the 73. Given the responsibility of ensuring his continued training, I responded and we all should know how it ended, right? I did try to give the boy props on California, and his response: I was in the wrong gear. Two words: as if....
Another good trainer today, gents. I may skip tomorrow in favor of actually giving the legs some rest. On Thursday, I'll be back.
2 days in a row I was on my back in the gym trying to catch my breath after the ride. 2 days in a row. Maybe this Stagecoach training business is getting out of hand.
9 of us made it out today, but notably absent were PV (forgot his shoes), Shannon and Vince. These guys would have helped equalized Todd as he's going nuts out there. Mike Z. was also out with us today and actually rode with us vs. before us. He needs to talk to Eddie and get him to come out too. I think Paul Brubaker (in the Banning Bike jersey) came out with us too. Welcome and looks like we found another good rider.
On the way out, the group was pretty much together but Todd decided to turn up the heat on Anteater and strung the group out pretty good. I had to jump from the back just to make sure he doesn't break away at a light. We were lucky this time catching him at a red on Culver.
Adrian decided on a breakaway going up and over Culver, but is this ever really a good idea? Saving it for the upcoming climbs may be more prudent if you're not accustomed to leading the others out up Starcrest. This is more of an observation than a criticism. Really it is.
I think it was Paul who was leading the group up Turtle Rock after we passed Adrian, but Jaffe had broken away for a bit. We did reel him in just before Starcrest, and I led the group up afer the turn. Of course, LTJ decided to turn the heat up and all I could do was watch. Others had fallen of slightly, but they were only seconds behind. Marc had a good showing up this hill along with Vin and Adrian if memory serves me correctly. The others didn't take long to roll up as well.
On the way down toward Turtle Rock, we did pass an unsuspecting Mike Z. who was wanting to regroup at that point skipping Starcrest to ride in the pack. Adrian and LTJ had broken away, so the rest of us (okay me followed by others) gave chase. Fortunately, we were able to catch up to them just as we were getting on the sidewalk to go up Shady. They still had a little gap though, so it took a lot of effort just to get back on their wheel. Eventually, Adrian drew the white flag but LTJ didn't want his hard work to be for naught. He crested ahead of us, so the chase was once again on on the other side. It took just before getting parallel to the freeway on the bike trail to catch his wheel. I took a pull after, but opted to just sit in his draft for the sprint that only Adrian wanted to contest. Let's see how that works for him on Ridgeline.
Once we did get on Ridgeline, I thought I was going to do the pull but seemingly joking, Vin said I'll lead you up, Rich. I didn't really think it would last, but I have to admit it was a damn good pull that he held for a while just before it pitched up a little steeper. I took advantage and sling shot away from the group here deciding that I'll try and fend off LTJ at least to Turtle Rock. I succeeded but paid the price dearly after with LTJ going ahead and breaking away from the rest of the group for the rest of the ride. I caught glimpses of him as he crossed Bonita Canyon and again on Bison, but he held us off.
As I headed down Shady toward Bonita, I had passed Eric who did managed to grab my wheel and follow me down to the light. Vin, Jaffe and Marc arrived shortly after.
Jaffe led us out on Bonita Canyon, but I opted to up the pace some afterwards for a stretch. Jaffe and Vin came around just before the 73 and took the lead. As it started to pitch up, Vin launched an attack that left me chasing him all the way up to the top. It was enough to break Jaffe and Marc off, and admitted, I was nervous for myself as well. I kept him in front of me over the crest, and the SOB appeared to try to do it again before we reached McArthur. Finally, he conceded and I got by on McArthur leaving him to catch his breath. He still had some fight in him though on Bison and wanted to sprint just after the last light over the 73. Given the responsibility of ensuring his continued training, I responded and we all should know how it ended, right? I did try to give the boy props on California, and his response: I was in the wrong gear. Two words: as if....
Another good trainer today, gents. I may skip tomorrow in favor of actually giving the legs some rest. On Thursday, I'll be back.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Lunch Ride - Resetting the Training Cycle
Someone call the cops and let them know that Todd tried to kill me today. His pace on the bike trail was with some serious ill-intentions and was pretty relentless throughout the entire ride. Jaffe came along today, but he didn't realize that Todd and I had our own agendas: Todd's was to destroy anyone who tried to hang on today, and mine was to push him as hard as I could or die trying. In any case, the blistering pace on the trail was too much for him. We exited onto Laguna Canyon with a 23.2 average.
I knew going up Shady was going to be crazy. Now while our Strava time was not the best, the thing to remember is we just rode a crazy 100 miles on Saturday. Are you listening? This didn't matter though because as I claimed when I announced today's ride, we are hitting the reset button and now working our way to tear it up in January. Back to Shady...he snapped me off 3/4 of the way up and decided he would break away on the other side. This is where our love/hate relationship kicks in: love the training he gives me, but hate him for the pain.
I did manage to finally catch up to him before the gate, but he was still out for blood. I suppose that rattlesnake we passed on the trail was too.
We never slowed down up and over Shady, through Bonita Canyon, and up Jamboree (aka the Duplex). He saw I was trying to set it up, so he took off ahead of me. I thought I'd have something left and while I did start to make ground, 3/4 of the way up I decided my heart and lungs had enough. Fortunately, I caught him at a light on Bison.
Even toward the 73, you can see he was going to push so I did set that section up for a final sprint to end my ride. This also brought me close to death's door. I was so flushed after the ride, even after taking the shower, that I didn't know how th rest of the afternoon would go. In the end, I survived.
Thanks! See everyone tomorrow.
P.S. Mike Z. was out there training as well but left before us. Hopefully, we'll have the ultimate wind blocker out with us again soon.
Someone call the cops and let them know that Todd tried to kill me today. His pace on the bike trail was with some serious ill-intentions and was pretty relentless throughout the entire ride. Jaffe came along today, but he didn't realize that Todd and I had our own agendas: Todd's was to destroy anyone who tried to hang on today, and mine was to push him as hard as I could or die trying. In any case, the blistering pace on the trail was too much for him. We exited onto Laguna Canyon with a 23.2 average.
I knew going up Shady was going to be crazy. Now while our Strava time was not the best, the thing to remember is we just rode a crazy 100 miles on Saturday. Are you listening? This didn't matter though because as I claimed when I announced today's ride, we are hitting the reset button and now working our way to tear it up in January. Back to Shady...he snapped me off 3/4 of the way up and decided he would break away on the other side. This is where our love/hate relationship kicks in: love the training he gives me, but hate him for the pain.
I did manage to finally catch up to him before the gate, but he was still out for blood. I suppose that rattlesnake we passed on the trail was too.
We never slowed down up and over Shady, through Bonita Canyon, and up Jamboree (aka the Duplex). He saw I was trying to set it up, so he took off ahead of me. I thought I'd have something left and while I did start to make ground, 3/4 of the way up I decided my heart and lungs had enough. Fortunately, I caught him at a light on Bison.
Even toward the 73, you can see he was going to push so I did set that section up for a final sprint to end my ride. This also brought me close to death's door. I was so flushed after the ride, even after taking the shower, that I didn't know how th rest of the afternoon would go. In the end, I survived.
Thanks! See everyone tomorrow.
P.S. Mike Z. was out there training as well but left before us. Hopefully, we'll have the ultimate wind blocker out with us again soon.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
2011 OC Gran Fondo Ride Report
Attendees: Shannon, Todd, Vince, Verm, Galen, Eddie, Adrian, Gary, Seon, Vin, James and David
Twelve of us made it out for this event in the new red jerseys. I don't know if the others felt the same way I did, but seeing all of us roll up together to the start of the ride in "uniform" felt pretty amazing. I don't know if others recognized and/or made the connection who we were when we arrived, but I'm pretty sure they knew who were after the ride.
We probably started the ride in a less than optimal spot for the mass start...more towards the back than up front. This meant we had a LOT of people we had to make our way through for the ride. Now one can say that it probably shouldn't have mattered given that we should save up for the TT, but what I was hoping for were 2 things: 1) get through all the riffraff since it would be safer to travel together considering the size of our group (or so I thought) and 2) find a good pack to ride with and sit in the draft vs. doing our own pulling and rotations. In the end, neither worked out as expected.
The police escort and controlled intersections allowed us to make our way through the crowd easier, but once we got on the bike trail, it was downright sketchy. We all got a little strung out considering how many people there were, so regrouping made it necessary to pass...this while there was oncoming cycling and pedestrian traffic and riders less than familiar with riding in a good sized pack. Vince and I were held back for a while given there were just so many people riding across the whole trail. Once we started asking people to make space, we finally got to make our way through and got back to the group before we hit University.
On Back Bay, BAM kicked in and we were flying! This time, we didn't only have to worry about cyclist and pedestrians, we also had oncoming cars to deal with. I don't know what set off the guys to hit this section so fast, but I went along. At one point, I saw Shannon had rolled off and thought I should roll with him since I figured he was conserving energy. However, I kept going hoping to have some good GoPro footage of the pack. More on this GoPro thing later.
We kept going at a pretty good clip once we got on PCH, and ultimately I'm pretty sure we caught everyone who was ahead of us and ended up leading everyone out even before we got to SART. While this was a cool thing, I again didn't think this was really where we should be. The guys did a great job though managing the pace on the bike trail and not going nuts like they did earlier. The pace was around 22 mph, which was ideal but the rotations were mostly with our guys. After the first bridge, some other guys started working their way past and you can see they were forming a separate group ahead of us. Curiously, no one latched on to that group but continued to run the managed pace.
After a few more guys made their way past, I decided it was time to bridge the gap in order to pursue the strategy I mentioned above. The pace obviously had to heat up in order to do so, but I figured the spike in our output should only be temporary. The rest of the guys were onboard and latched on as well as I chased the other group down. Once we finally latched on, it was nice to see the HR shooting down again.
We were a pretty large group at this point, and the guys up front were holding a pretty good pace albeit calmer than how fast they were going originally. We were all lined up as we made our way, but after one of the underpasses, I heard people calling out. It took a while to slow down, but when I finally stopped, I thought something happened where it couldn't have involved any of our guys. When I saw that the others weren't rolling up, I headed back and found the unimaginable: a few of our guys went down. I don't know all the details of what happened but would not venture to speculate on here in the best interest of the guys involved. I will say, however, that James was hurt pretty bad requiring immediate medical attention. We did receive confirmation subsequently that James was leaving the hospital, so in that regard, we were glad.
Galen should have also received immediate medical attention, but the guy was almost seemingly looking for a way to keep riding. Of course, his shoulder and elbow were in no way going to allow this. Considering his injuries, Galen seemed like he was still in good spirits. Unbelievable...I don't know how he did that. Amazing.
Seon also went down, but he managed to get by with seemingly no serious injuries and was able to continue the rest of the ride. I'm thinking the most pain he'll suffer will likely be the ass-chewing he'd get once he got home to his wife for having hurt himself.
After waiting to make sure James and Galen were taken care of (thanks to the police, EMT, the guy and lady who stopped to help, and the roving SAG), we were off but by that point but I'd say that 95% of the 100 and 64 mile riders had already passed. Shannon had rolled up on us fairly early on after the incident, so we were all together again minus those who could not continue. Here, let me thank the guys who were working the front on the trail at this point since this allowed for a lot of us to conserve for the TT. Shannon was off the back again after a while, and I too decided that was the thing to do as well but not too far from the first SAG.
After regrouping and a quick stop at the SAG, we were off. On Taft, some of us decided to really start conserving power Shannon-style and let the other guys who wanted to get a head start up dump do so. Even then, others still attached and rode with us on E. Santiago. At that point, we didn't even see the other guys ahead of us, so we knew they'd get to the top of Dump Hill before us for sure.
We were still dogging it as we made our way onto Santiago Canyon. Despite this, we still managed to make our way past a lot of people. We saw Dana, who passed us after the accident, at this point and it was nice to see her working that hill. Once we neared the top, we could see some of the guys waiting at the top ahead of us. We waved them on to go so we can keep rolling, but I think I saw Seon and maybe someone else wasn't ready. We didn't end up stopping to wait as we were all anxious to get to the TT section.
Going down the other side of dump, Verm led the charge but in a tucked position, I was able to coast past him and lead for a bit as well. When we started seeing the signs to prepare us for the KOM sections starting 1 mile out, we were trying to be in a good position to be able to already be moving as we made our way past the sensors. The problem was trying to do so with all the other rides in the way. Fortunately, at least I'll say this for now until the results are posted, I think we all managed to do so.
I went through the sensor first and started off the TT run but I think I lost the memo about rolling out to the right and the fast rotations. I think I heard Vince call out to tell me to do so, so I complied. The initial charge did have a lot of us together in the beginning doing a pull. It was a pretty crazy pace, but what made it ridiculous was how we had to keep the pace up despite all the other people on the road. I'm thankful to God none of us got hit as we made our way past some people where we had to jump on the roads to do so.
With the pace as intense as it was, attrition started setting in. Todd, Shannon, Vince, Verm and I were left to finish the charge. Verm had skipped a couple rotations to hang on, but came through after a while with another couple good pulls before he too dropped off the back. Once we started climbing the Modjeska hills before Cooks, I tried to stay with the guys as best as possible, but after skipping a rotation and trying to hang on, I was off the back near the top of the first peak. Vince, Shannon and Todd duked it out until the end, so I'm sure all of them will definitely be in the top 3 spots. I was able to close some of the gap after dropping on the quick down and a sprint up the last hill, but was still 10 seconds behind Shannon according to Strava. Good enough. Verm rolled through about 27 seconds later. Good job!
When we climbed Live Oak, we were staying together for the most part. I thought I'd crank it up near the top just for fun and got to shoot down the other side with LTJ. Vince and Verm caught us, and just at the right time. I started to feel some twinging on my calves from all the work on the canyons and up Live Oak, so it was nice to just sit behind them as we made our way to O'Neill Park where Tiff and Pam were waiting for us.
A special thanks to these ladies once again for their support. Even a cast on Pam didn't stop her from coming out to support the troops. Awesome! Tiff was taking pictures of us as we arrived, but I'm not sure how well they came out with the lens cap still on (something Vince pointed out and I'm just repeating). Both these ladies are definitely honorary BRCM team members.
As we ate and replenished our fluids, the banter was typical of the team. I hope not to upset him by repeating this, but at one point, Verm blurted out how he got a mouthful of Rich. Obviously, he was talking about my sweat, but you can just imagine how many of us took opportunities to reply to this statement. That's all I'm saying.
We got going again, and Shannon and Verm decided to heat things up early and broke off from the group. I was somewhere in the middle, and the rest of the guys were grouped up behind me. Just before the base of the switchback climb, we had another incident: Vin's chain snapped. Seon and I couldn't stop safely right away since the road was tight and climbed a little bit of the hill. Once it was safe, we turned around to see the other guys working to get Vin back on the road again. Shannon and Verm were too far ahead to know what happened and just ended up riding on their own.
With all the time taken from the two incidents, I decided to take off on my own given I wanted to get back so that I can get home and prepare for the guys. I didn't mind riding on my own as it would make for some good training for Stagecoach, but I think I hit just about every stoplight at Santa Margarita. When I finally got to El Toro, another rider was sitting at the corner looking at the route section and I mistakenly asked him which way he was going. With no markers to turn there (with the route having been well marked throughout), I should have went straight but I ended up sitting at that light after crossing and looking for myself what direction to go. Aaargh.
I rode on by myself up Glenn Ranch, Saddleback and through the canyons. One guy did latch on at the lake and stayed with me up to top of Dump, but fell off on the way down toward Jamboree. I still haven't found anyone to ride with yet, so I kept going solo. That little detour that eventually led to Portola was also a big waste of time. It had us sitting on a left turn light where there were no cars there to trigger it. The lights continued to be a problem on Portola always interrupting momentum, and at one point I actually screamed. After one of the lights, however, I heard someone calling from behind and lo and behold, it was Vince, Adrian and Todd to the rescue. I jumped on, but it was only for a bit. We followed an arrow for the route, which led us to a SAG. It would have been nice to know that the arrow was for a SAG and not part of the route, so when I found out it wasn't, had to double back to get back on the road. The other guys needed some fluids, so I let them know to just catch up again.
I did have better luck with the lights for a bit until I got on Irvine Blvd. I saw some guys moving at a decent clip, albeit while I reeled them in, and I thought it would be nice to ride with someone. However, I missed 3 lights just as they went through, so it took a while before I was finally able to latch on. One guy was sporting Sho-Air and appeared to know the other guy on the TT bike. I sat for a little bit on their draft after chasing them down, but made my way to the front eventually. I was leading them for a while but when we got on the bike trail that led from Harvard to Jeffrey, my left inner thigh started to cramp. Only the TT guy was with me at that point, but he chose to keep going while I worked on recovering with some Shot Bloks.
Of course, once the Shot Bloks kicked in, I made my way up to and past the TT guy. His Sho-Air friend also ended up rolling up behind us before crossing Irvine Ctr Dr. They both sat in my draft for the rest of the route all the way to the finish, but unlike crits, this Sho-Air guy was thankful for having towed them to the end. Who'd have thought, right?
While this ride was quite eventful, I think the weather was almost perfect. It was a bit windy on some sections on the way back, but other than that, I can't complain. Considering we finished late with a 6:50 elapsed time, it could have been a lot worse.
19.6 average on my GPS and according to GC (Strava shows 19.4) which I'm certain would have been higher had we ridden together. I'll take it since it was a great workout today with a great bunch of guys. Thanks to those who came over after for some post ride festivities. If you want to know what happened there, well then maybe you should have went.
I'll post up pictures later, but coming back to the GoPro, NONE of the footage made it. I changed to a bigger memory card, and for some reason, it didn't record. THIS is what happens when I don't try things out beforehand. Sorry, folks.
Picures added:
Attendees: Shannon, Todd, Vince, Verm, Galen, Eddie, Adrian, Gary, Seon, Vin, James and David
Twelve of us made it out for this event in the new red jerseys. I don't know if the others felt the same way I did, but seeing all of us roll up together to the start of the ride in "uniform" felt pretty amazing. I don't know if others recognized and/or made the connection who we were when we arrived, but I'm pretty sure they knew who were after the ride.
We probably started the ride in a less than optimal spot for the mass start...more towards the back than up front. This meant we had a LOT of people we had to make our way through for the ride. Now one can say that it probably shouldn't have mattered given that we should save up for the TT, but what I was hoping for were 2 things: 1) get through all the riffraff since it would be safer to travel together considering the size of our group (or so I thought) and 2) find a good pack to ride with and sit in the draft vs. doing our own pulling and rotations. In the end, neither worked out as expected.
The police escort and controlled intersections allowed us to make our way through the crowd easier, but once we got on the bike trail, it was downright sketchy. We all got a little strung out considering how many people there were, so regrouping made it necessary to pass...this while there was oncoming cycling and pedestrian traffic and riders less than familiar with riding in a good sized pack. Vince and I were held back for a while given there were just so many people riding across the whole trail. Once we started asking people to make space, we finally got to make our way through and got back to the group before we hit University.
On Back Bay, BAM kicked in and we were flying! This time, we didn't only have to worry about cyclist and pedestrians, we also had oncoming cars to deal with. I don't know what set off the guys to hit this section so fast, but I went along. At one point, I saw Shannon had rolled off and thought I should roll with him since I figured he was conserving energy. However, I kept going hoping to have some good GoPro footage of the pack. More on this GoPro thing later.
We kept going at a pretty good clip once we got on PCH, and ultimately I'm pretty sure we caught everyone who was ahead of us and ended up leading everyone out even before we got to SART. While this was a cool thing, I again didn't think this was really where we should be. The guys did a great job though managing the pace on the bike trail and not going nuts like they did earlier. The pace was around 22 mph, which was ideal but the rotations were mostly with our guys. After the first bridge, some other guys started working their way past and you can see they were forming a separate group ahead of us. Curiously, no one latched on to that group but continued to run the managed pace.
After a few more guys made their way past, I decided it was time to bridge the gap in order to pursue the strategy I mentioned above. The pace obviously had to heat up in order to do so, but I figured the spike in our output should only be temporary. The rest of the guys were onboard and latched on as well as I chased the other group down. Once we finally latched on, it was nice to see the HR shooting down again.
We were a pretty large group at this point, and the guys up front were holding a pretty good pace albeit calmer than how fast they were going originally. We were all lined up as we made our way, but after one of the underpasses, I heard people calling out. It took a while to slow down, but when I finally stopped, I thought something happened where it couldn't have involved any of our guys. When I saw that the others weren't rolling up, I headed back and found the unimaginable: a few of our guys went down. I don't know all the details of what happened but would not venture to speculate on here in the best interest of the guys involved. I will say, however, that James was hurt pretty bad requiring immediate medical attention. We did receive confirmation subsequently that James was leaving the hospital, so in that regard, we were glad.
Galen should have also received immediate medical attention, but the guy was almost seemingly looking for a way to keep riding. Of course, his shoulder and elbow were in no way going to allow this. Considering his injuries, Galen seemed like he was still in good spirits. Unbelievable...I don't know how he did that. Amazing.
Seon also went down, but he managed to get by with seemingly no serious injuries and was able to continue the rest of the ride. I'm thinking the most pain he'll suffer will likely be the ass-chewing he'd get once he got home to his wife for having hurt himself.
After waiting to make sure James and Galen were taken care of (thanks to the police, EMT, the guy and lady who stopped to help, and the roving SAG), we were off but by that point but I'd say that 95% of the 100 and 64 mile riders had already passed. Shannon had rolled up on us fairly early on after the incident, so we were all together again minus those who could not continue. Here, let me thank the guys who were working the front on the trail at this point since this allowed for a lot of us to conserve for the TT. Shannon was off the back again after a while, and I too decided that was the thing to do as well but not too far from the first SAG.
After regrouping and a quick stop at the SAG, we were off. On Taft, some of us decided to really start conserving power Shannon-style and let the other guys who wanted to get a head start up dump do so. Even then, others still attached and rode with us on E. Santiago. At that point, we didn't even see the other guys ahead of us, so we knew they'd get to the top of Dump Hill before us for sure.
We were still dogging it as we made our way onto Santiago Canyon. Despite this, we still managed to make our way past a lot of people. We saw Dana, who passed us after the accident, at this point and it was nice to see her working that hill. Once we neared the top, we could see some of the guys waiting at the top ahead of us. We waved them on to go so we can keep rolling, but I think I saw Seon and maybe someone else wasn't ready. We didn't end up stopping to wait as we were all anxious to get to the TT section.
Going down the other side of dump, Verm led the charge but in a tucked position, I was able to coast past him and lead for a bit as well. When we started seeing the signs to prepare us for the KOM sections starting 1 mile out, we were trying to be in a good position to be able to already be moving as we made our way past the sensors. The problem was trying to do so with all the other rides in the way. Fortunately, at least I'll say this for now until the results are posted, I think we all managed to do so.
I went through the sensor first and started off the TT run but I think I lost the memo about rolling out to the right and the fast rotations. I think I heard Vince call out to tell me to do so, so I complied. The initial charge did have a lot of us together in the beginning doing a pull. It was a pretty crazy pace, but what made it ridiculous was how we had to keep the pace up despite all the other people on the road. I'm thankful to God none of us got hit as we made our way past some people where we had to jump on the roads to do so.
With the pace as intense as it was, attrition started setting in. Todd, Shannon, Vince, Verm and I were left to finish the charge. Verm had skipped a couple rotations to hang on, but came through after a while with another couple good pulls before he too dropped off the back. Once we started climbing the Modjeska hills before Cooks, I tried to stay with the guys as best as possible, but after skipping a rotation and trying to hang on, I was off the back near the top of the first peak. Vince, Shannon and Todd duked it out until the end, so I'm sure all of them will definitely be in the top 3 spots. I was able to close some of the gap after dropping on the quick down and a sprint up the last hill, but was still 10 seconds behind Shannon according to Strava. Good enough. Verm rolled through about 27 seconds later. Good job!
When we climbed Live Oak, we were staying together for the most part. I thought I'd crank it up near the top just for fun and got to shoot down the other side with LTJ. Vince and Verm caught us, and just at the right time. I started to feel some twinging on my calves from all the work on the canyons and up Live Oak, so it was nice to just sit behind them as we made our way to O'Neill Park where Tiff and Pam were waiting for us.
A special thanks to these ladies once again for their support. Even a cast on Pam didn't stop her from coming out to support the troops. Awesome! Tiff was taking pictures of us as we arrived, but I'm not sure how well they came out with the lens cap still on (something Vince pointed out and I'm just repeating). Both these ladies are definitely honorary BRCM team members.
As we ate and replenished our fluids, the banter was typical of the team. I hope not to upset him by repeating this, but at one point, Verm blurted out how he got a mouthful of Rich. Obviously, he was talking about my sweat, but you can just imagine how many of us took opportunities to reply to this statement. That's all I'm saying.
We got going again, and Shannon and Verm decided to heat things up early and broke off from the group. I was somewhere in the middle, and the rest of the guys were grouped up behind me. Just before the base of the switchback climb, we had another incident: Vin's chain snapped. Seon and I couldn't stop safely right away since the road was tight and climbed a little bit of the hill. Once it was safe, we turned around to see the other guys working to get Vin back on the road again. Shannon and Verm were too far ahead to know what happened and just ended up riding on their own.
With all the time taken from the two incidents, I decided to take off on my own given I wanted to get back so that I can get home and prepare for the guys. I didn't mind riding on my own as it would make for some good training for Stagecoach, but I think I hit just about every stoplight at Santa Margarita. When I finally got to El Toro, another rider was sitting at the corner looking at the route section and I mistakenly asked him which way he was going. With no markers to turn there (with the route having been well marked throughout), I should have went straight but I ended up sitting at that light after crossing and looking for myself what direction to go. Aaargh.
I rode on by myself up Glenn Ranch, Saddleback and through the canyons. One guy did latch on at the lake and stayed with me up to top of Dump, but fell off on the way down toward Jamboree. I still haven't found anyone to ride with yet, so I kept going solo. That little detour that eventually led to Portola was also a big waste of time. It had us sitting on a left turn light where there were no cars there to trigger it. The lights continued to be a problem on Portola always interrupting momentum, and at one point I actually screamed. After one of the lights, however, I heard someone calling from behind and lo and behold, it was Vince, Adrian and Todd to the rescue. I jumped on, but it was only for a bit. We followed an arrow for the route, which led us to a SAG. It would have been nice to know that the arrow was for a SAG and not part of the route, so when I found out it wasn't, had to double back to get back on the road. The other guys needed some fluids, so I let them know to just catch up again.
I did have better luck with the lights for a bit until I got on Irvine Blvd. I saw some guys moving at a decent clip, albeit while I reeled them in, and I thought it would be nice to ride with someone. However, I missed 3 lights just as they went through, so it took a while before I was finally able to latch on. One guy was sporting Sho-Air and appeared to know the other guy on the TT bike. I sat for a little bit on their draft after chasing them down, but made my way to the front eventually. I was leading them for a while but when we got on the bike trail that led from Harvard to Jeffrey, my left inner thigh started to cramp. Only the TT guy was with me at that point, but he chose to keep going while I worked on recovering with some Shot Bloks.
Of course, once the Shot Bloks kicked in, I made my way up to and past the TT guy. His Sho-Air friend also ended up rolling up behind us before crossing Irvine Ctr Dr. They both sat in my draft for the rest of the route all the way to the finish, but unlike crits, this Sho-Air guy was thankful for having towed them to the end. Who'd have thought, right?
While this ride was quite eventful, I think the weather was almost perfect. It was a bit windy on some sections on the way back, but other than that, I can't complain. Considering we finished late with a 6:50 elapsed time, it could have been a lot worse.
19.6 average on my GPS and according to GC (Strava shows 19.4) which I'm certain would have been higher had we ridden together. I'll take it since it was a great workout today with a great bunch of guys. Thanks to those who came over after for some post ride festivities. If you want to know what happened there, well then maybe you should have went.
I'll post up pictures later, but coming back to the GoPro, NONE of the footage made it. I changed to a bigger memory card, and for some reason, it didn't record. THIS is what happens when I don't try things out beforehand. Sorry, folks.
Picures added:
Sporting the non-aero wheels |
First to arrive |
Already asking to take the pictures |
James and the sex mobile |
Might this be why these two were hurt? |
Hiroshi showing his team support |
LTJ giving the OK to go |
S-Gary before the storm |
Smile looks forced - too early! |
Vin doing the taro bun loading |
David applying the lube |
Warriors with honorary team member |
The upgraded Wednesday crew |
Can you just sense my discomfort? |
Team shot with Verm's gratuituous centerfold pose |
The results have been corrected on the timing chip company except we're still working on Vince getting added. Shannon and Todd had top times, Vince next followed by me then Verm. Broadcom took top 5! Here's a link:
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Team BRCM in Spin Class - Wha?
Attendees: Todd, Galen, Seon, Vin, Adrian, Kevin and Jaffe (+ Dana and the rest of the class)
Instructor: Madison
Due to today's weather, several of us opted to do a spin class (first time ever for a few of us including myself) in Bldg 11. I've heard a lot of great things about spin class (usually from women...I'm not judging), so I figured what better way to be able to pedal on a rainy day. Oddly enough, Gary was planning on riding in the rain since he "couldn't bring himself to doing a spin class," but after today I say don't knock it til you try it, buddy. We had a GREAT workout! Who'd have thought life without power meters, GPS stats, and Strava can still be so fulfilling?
Madison was very accommodating after seeing some of us come into the class. She realized we were in there for a workout, so she changed her program to bring up the intensity for us. Thanks! The key thing she pointed out in the beginning of the class was it's only as hard as our willingness to turn the nob. She got that right. Anyone who'd say it wasn't hard just didn't challenge themselves enough. Seon even stopped at one point during the class (someone pointed out it was equivalent to getting dropped) just to get a drink of water indicating the class was actually tougher than the lunch rides.
Vin was already instigating in the beginning of the class by saying I was drafting since he was somewhat in front of me. Of course, for him to be in front of me for an hour was probably like a dream come true given it will likely NEVER happen on the roads. HA HA...just kidding. In the end, he challenged me to see who's sweat traveled the furthest. Yet another rookie mistake.
Back to the class...the music was a mixture of different songs all helping to keep a certain cadence depending on the exercise. With Madison having us do hills, sprints, hill sprints, it was very helpful to do so...probably more than my 80's selection on my iPod. I think LTJ was even a bit pleased with a couple of the song selections where he actually smiled during them (vs. being angry!). I do think, however, that I saw an extra vein pop out of his forehead when Lady Gaga came on. I know I'll be humming The Edge of Glory for the rest of the afternoon.
Overall, it was an excellent substitute for riding, and we are quite thankful to Madison for such an awesome workout and keeping us all honest. I don't know how soon we'll be back in there again in quantity, but we now have something to substitute on less-than-ideal weather days. We'll definitely be back, but we'll sing along next time.
Instructor: Madison
Due to today's weather, several of us opted to do a spin class (first time ever for a few of us including myself) in Bldg 11. I've heard a lot of great things about spin class (usually from women...I'm not judging), so I figured what better way to be able to pedal on a rainy day. Oddly enough, Gary was planning on riding in the rain since he "couldn't bring himself to doing a spin class," but after today I say don't knock it til you try it, buddy. We had a GREAT workout! Who'd have thought life without power meters, GPS stats, and Strava can still be so fulfilling?
Madison was very accommodating after seeing some of us come into the class. She realized we were in there for a workout, so she changed her program to bring up the intensity for us. Thanks! The key thing she pointed out in the beginning of the class was it's only as hard as our willingness to turn the nob. She got that right. Anyone who'd say it wasn't hard just didn't challenge themselves enough. Seon even stopped at one point during the class (someone pointed out it was equivalent to getting dropped) just to get a drink of water indicating the class was actually tougher than the lunch rides.
Vin was already instigating in the beginning of the class by saying I was drafting since he was somewhat in front of me. Of course, for him to be in front of me for an hour was probably like a dream come true given it will likely NEVER happen on the roads. HA HA...just kidding. In the end, he challenged me to see who's sweat traveled the furthest. Yet another rookie mistake.
Back to the class...the music was a mixture of different songs all helping to keep a certain cadence depending on the exercise. With Madison having us do hills, sprints, hill sprints, it was very helpful to do so...probably more than my 80's selection on my iPod. I think LTJ was even a bit pleased with a couple of the song selections where he actually smiled during them (vs. being angry!). I do think, however, that I saw an extra vein pop out of his forehead when Lady Gaga came on. I know I'll be humming The Edge of Glory for the rest of the afternoon.
Overall, it was an excellent substitute for riding, and we are quite thankful to Madison for such an awesome workout and keeping us all honest. I don't know how soon we'll be back in there again in quantity, but we now have something to substitute on less-than-ideal weather days. We'll definitely be back, but we'll sing along next time.
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