Originally, I had hoped to get everyone to push today by asking that they get a PR on Strava on any segment or pay a buck otherwise. While this did not get enough buy in with PV suggesting we just have a no pressure ride, we set aside my idea for today. Needless to say, as of the time of this writing, it does not appear anyone missed getting a PR of some sort today. How's that for a "no pressure" ride?
16 of us made it out again today with some people donning full BRCM red, thanks to Terri Timberman and Eric Brandt. The new kit inspired me to push early today, so on E. Peltason, I opted to pull an S-Gary. Of course, in typical fashion everyone comes along knowing that resistance is futile. On Anteater, Todd and PV kept the pace up all the way to Bonita Canyon where PV just missed taking away my KOM for that segment by 3 seconds.
On the rise up toward Sunnyhill, the group started to get strung out already. Fortunately for me, I was just able to latch on to the guys up front just as we were making a left on Sunnyhill. I got a little worked though, so I just hung on all the way down to the bottom of Turtle Rock. Once we got there, however, I decided to contribute (or attack depending on how you see it) and jumped to the front. Todd worked with me here, but this was one of his least favorite climbs so I took advantage just before the Ridgeline stop sign and sprinted off.
After the stop sign, Vince came around both of us (chewing me out in the locker room for checking up because the hill didn't end at the stop sign...HA HA), and led Todd, Galen and myself toward Shady. I believe we all expected Shannon to come around any moment, but he must have been tired or something. Shady was still pretty quick and despite Galen's shoulder, he still took a pull here to keep the pace up. I believe either Todd and/or Vince got to the top just ahead of me. All I know is by the time we were heading down, they were both in front of me.
Vince got just a little ahead of Todd and I on the bike trail, but we all got together to keep the pace up all the way to Ridgeline. No sprint to the bridge today, thank goodness. As we got caught at the light there, others caught up at this point reducing our breakaway to nothing. HA HA. Since PV opted to skip the intersection and climb up the sidewalk, we actually fell behind as a result.
Once the light turned green, Todd led us up Ridgeline at an impressive 21-22 mph pace. Before the hill pitched, up I came by from the #3 spot to take over up front, but it was probably deemed more of an attack again. I was surprised to look back at one point and find no one latched on. Since I was making ground on PV, I decided to try and see if I can get on his wheel before Turtle Rock. Either he knew or just did intervals on the hill, but I was not able to catch him until after we turned right.
Vince and Todd caught us as well, and Vince did one of his crit passes on me while pulling PV. Gotta love the guy. We all made our way to Campus along with Shannon. On the rise up Bonita Canyon after turning left, Todd led us out, but I jumped to the front feeling pretty recovered from the light. This may have been a little overzealous on my part though since after Todd came back around and then Shannon, I popped off their back wheel and Vince came around from behind me to jump on theirs. It was only by the grace of the Lord himself that the light on Anteater was red allowing me and PV to catch them.
After the light, I felt recovered and took the front but Todd generously relieved me being he had to get back where he was skipping the Duplex. Thanks! In the end, Vince, PV and I would take on the Duplex together...okay, somewhat together. I led us up on Ford but was madly trying to recover from the pace throughout the ride. On the downhill after I took a swig, Vince launched an attack on the downhill just before the turn up Jamboree. PV stayed behind me where I expected he would launch one too, but he never did. Once I made the turn, I found a pretty good rhythm I could hold which after some time allowed me to make my way past Vince. I thought I had a pretty decent pace but I was still 7 seconds off my top time here. When I turned right, I did swing out a little just beforehand and a car came rather close to me with Vince witnessing the whole thing. I'm glad we didn't make contact...I didn't want another car to lose it's bumper. HA HA
Great outing today with perfect weather, solid performances throughout, and overall an excellent workout.
Thanks, gents!
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