Monday, October 10, 2011

Lunch Ride - Resetting the Training Cycle


Someone call the cops and let them know that Todd tried to kill me today.  His pace on the bike trail was with some serious ill-intentions and was pretty relentless throughout the entire ride.  Jaffe came along today, but he didn't realize that Todd and I had our own agendas:  Todd's was to destroy anyone who tried to hang on today, and mine was to push him as hard as I could or die trying.  In any case, the blistering pace on the trail was too much for him.  We exited onto Laguna Canyon with a 23.2 average.

I knew going up Shady was going to be crazy.  Now while our Strava time was not the best, the thing to remember is we just rode a crazy 100 miles on Saturday.  Are you listening?  This didn't matter though because as I claimed when I announced today's ride, we are hitting the reset button and now working our way to tear it up in January.  Back to Shady...he snapped me off 3/4 of the way up and decided he would break away on the other side.  This is where our love/hate relationship kicks in:  love the training he gives me, but hate him for the pain.

I did manage to finally catch up to him before the gate, but he was still out for blood.  I suppose that rattlesnake we passed on the trail was too.

We never slowed down up and over Shady, through Bonita Canyon, and up Jamboree (aka the Duplex).  He saw I was trying to set it up, so he took off ahead of me.  I thought I'd have something left and while I did start to make ground, 3/4 of the way up I decided my heart and lungs had enough.  Fortunately, I caught him at a light on Bison.

Even toward the 73, you can see he was going to push so I did set that section up for a final sprint to end my ride.  This also brought me close to death's door.  I was so flushed after the ride, even after taking the shower, that I didn't know how th rest of the afternoon would go.  In the end, I survived.

Thanks!  See everyone tomorrow.

P.S.  Mike Z. was out there training as well but left before us.  Hopefully, we'll have the ultimate wind blocker out with us again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great ride Rich!! You pushed every bit as hard as I did and I felt it!
