It was fairly cold this morning, so Gary and I started off from the BJ's parking lot with a base layer and some arm warmers. We met Hiroshi at the corner who also had some arm warmers on. We probably needed them for the first 5 miles, but once on Irvine Blvd., we probably could have done without them.
The pace on Irvine Blvd was faster than it's ever been after Sand Canyon. There were a couple times I had to stand and sprint just to close the small gaps that would form from the bursts of speeds in some sections. Hiroshi and Gary were holding their own ahead of me in the pack.
When we got on El Toro, I did start to make my way up closer to the front since I had been in the last 3rd of the pack earlier on. When we were making the right on Santa Margarita, it was perfect since both Hiroshi and Gary were right next to me.
As we started the ascend, I got into a tempo and came around the right and began passing people...including the guys up front. I actually thought they were going to jump on after I passed, but when I looked back, I had broken away and created a pretty good gap over the pack. I was unsure why they seemed to be holding back, but I moderated my pace and ended up stopping at the light on Marguerite where the pack rolled up on me.
Since I was up front when the light turned green, I thought I may as well stay up front and lead until relieved. I started pedaling off the seat again, and after looking back, saw that no one was with me again. I looked back a couple more times thinking they must be rolling up on me, and I didn't notice anyone on my wheel. Then, as I was nearing the top, a few guys started to pass me, so I spun up and rode with them to the top and to ride down the other side with them.
I saw Gary and Hiroshi after as we started making our way toward Antonio Pkwy, so I rode up with them all the way to the end. Once we made the left to head toward Live Oak, I started looking to be in a good position and make sure I was ready for the fast descent. This time, I took a little more chances and rode down a little bit more aggressively taking the switchback a little tighter this time. This worked to keep the front pack in sight. There was a little accordian affect after making a left over the bridge, but the guys in front of me reeled in the front pack.
While making our way up, it seemed the front group checked up a bit but I wasn't going to get too aggressive since I wanted to get further with them to see where they power up. For the most part, I was able to stay with the front group, watching some people pop off in the process, to almost the final ascent. When they started climbing the last steep ascent, I just didn't have enough to match the rest of them, so I just watch as the group crested while I was by myself trying to finish the hill and with no one to work with.
I descended on my own not seeing anyone in front of me at this point, and I only saw 2 guys not climbing too fast on the hill past Cook's. I thought I'd hold a steady pace up the hill and hope that others would catch up so I can work with them. As I started nearing the top of the first crest, I could hear someone behind me and lo and behold, it was Hiroshi and someone behind him. Nice!
Hiroshi took the lead after the first crest and I jumped to the front just before the 2nd crest to start off the descent. I was pleasantly surprise that Hiroshi was jumping up front and rotating with me as we were all alone at that point. It was quite revealing in that before, I would think he passed aggressively to attack but this I come to find is just how he passes to take his turn. His passes always required a sprint just to latch on, but this was definitely better than being alone or just towing the whole time. Great job, Hiroshi!
We were passing people here and there, but at one point by the lake, a group of about 6 guys made their way toward us so we jumped on and started rotating in their draft. It's always so nice to work with more than just 1 or 2 guys, so I was digging it.
When we got to Dump, I was anticipating that some of the guys who picked us up might charge it aggressively, so I stood and found allowed momentum to push me past these guys and pull away from them. While I thought I kept a good pace, 2 guys pass me about 3/4 of the way up and a 3rd guy after that. This time, I thought we'd make a race out of it, so I dropped and started to spin up passing all 3 of them before the top. They let me lead them down over the 261 as well and after the incline that heads to the Jamboree, one of the guys started to sprint by me. After looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was going, I started sprinting to close the gap on the guy but he checked up just as I was coming up on him.
On the left on Jamboree, it seemed the guys who ended up making it to the intersection with us waited to see who would jump up front. I went ahead and took the lead but one of the Cash Call guys jumped ahead where the others (about 4-5 other guys) stayed back where I jumped behind to be #2. As we started the climb, I started to stand and climb but the Cash Call guy started to match my pace rather than let me pass so I dropped back behind him. Then I started to sit and spin up and made my way past him and lead the guys over the hill. The cash call guy took over after the downhill, and basically it was just he and I who were willing to take the front at this point.
After watching others hold the Cash Call guy up front for a while, I moved up to the front from the #5-6 spot, just to bring the pace back up and to reel in another group ahead of us. We ended up passing this group eventually since they weren't in a race pace, and caught another few guys in Specialized kits.
After Portola, I thought we could mix it up a little, but no one seemed interested and eventually I found myself broken away just trying to keep my average up. I did look over a few times thinking they were going to charge as a group, but no one ever came and I ended up finishing on my own.
Hiroshi came in shortly after and Gary followed him in as well. We reflected on the ride for a little bit, but none of us stayed since we all had things to do. We're just going to have to find a way to get more guys out and then drink beer after. That's the team MO.
Baldy next week?
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