Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lunch Ride - Anteater San Miguel Spyglass San Joaq Pelican Vista Loop


It was a nice day for a ride, but the group size was smaller given that it was a Wednesday whereas our normal days of riding are Tues/Thurs.  Eddie decided to come out of the woods today and join us for some riding...wha?   There goes his quota.

I had prefaced today's ride when I solicited it as one that I plan to hold a moderate pace only, and for the most part it was.  That didn't keep the guys from staying back behind me though...bastages.  HA HA.  Vin was the only exception and was not only taking pulls, he would charge up the hills also making it interesting.

Both Vin and Mitchell kept me company on the hills, and I had to chase Vin down pretty much on all of them just for fun.   He had some good momentum though and broke away on almost every single one of them (except the last part of Pelican).

On the way back on San Joaquin, Mitchell and Vin had gotten away a little bit while I could feel my left calf starting to cramp.  They were working together pretty well where it took some time to catch them on the descent.  When we got on McArthur, I was behind both of them and just as I was going to make my way up front again, calf locked up pretty bad where all I could do was just stop pedaling.   Vin and Mitchell kept going, and David eventually passed me but asking what was wrong as he did.  I'm glad we were descending somewhat at the time, so I had to wait until my calf released again.  At least it looked sexy when it cramped.  HA HA.   It still hurts though.  Not so HA HA.

Definitely a modest pace on this route, but a good day to be out and about.  Good job, guys!


  1. What's up with the calve? Thought you laid off the legs at the gym today.

    1. Right? It caught me off guard as well, but it's probably a combination of things...reduced calories and carbs this week (even missed a carb meal yesterday), Madison's spin class yesterday plus this being my 4th straight day of pedaling, and last but not least is that I'm just a little girl.

      I guess I need to rest for this weekend.

  2. I confirm it looks extremely sexy!! -David
