Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Morning Team Hammerfest


What a perfect morning for a hammerfest.  The wind was low, and the temperature was cool but comfortable.  Galen and Gary made it out and as planned, we were rolling by 6:15 a.m.

Now the ride started out a little differently today from the last time we were out.  Typically, Gary would lead us out through Peltason and Anteater (rightfully naming that segment after him), but today I think he realized pulling back a little would be a better idea.  With Galen loving to hammer up Shady and through the canyons, I couldn't agree more.

We all stayed together and kept a good pace going up through Shady and heading over to the 133.  Once we got on the 133, Galen dropped the hammer as he indicated he would so it was just enough to stay with him as he climbed up 2 miles to the top with an almost ~22 mph average pace!  I stayed on his rear wheel the whole time just hanging on...barely.  Gary, however, was not as fortunate, but that's because I probably don't give him enough wind protection...picture a giraffe trying to draft behind a squirrel, right?

I was able to come around near the top and start trading pulls with Galen as we made our way down, but Galen loves to work, so my pulls were definitely not as long (or fast for that matter) as his were.  I did what I could though, so if anything I managed to give him the breaks he needed to resume his made pace.

When we got to the bottom at Laguna Beach, we contemplated waiting for Gary but Galen had to go back, so we rolled on.  Galen was still keeping the pace up on PCH, so I held him out for as long as he was willing to hold it and relieved him only when he slowed...which was not often.

As we were making our way to NPC, Galen offered the idea of going the Back Bay route as an alternative.  Now some may think this is easier than NPC, but to those who do you obviously haven't ridden with Galen on Back Bay.  I was open to the idea of a Back Bay charge since I think he dropped me the last couple times I went through there with him.  So off we went.

We went the typical Poppy Ocean Avocado route, but the funny thing is we were both thinking how it would have been better just to cut through downtown CDM after we decided to do so.  It wasn't long though before we were back on PCH.

Once on PCH, Galen decided to open it up and go for top Strava honors all the way to Jamboree. When he took off, I wasn't as close to his rear wheel as what would have been ideal so my draft behind him was not optimal where I could swing around to help.  Thus, just staying on for his ~30 mph average pace for the mile to Jamboree was ridiculously painful.  We both PR'd that segment as a result, but just missed the top 10.  With more people and/or me helping out next time, we can do better next time.

once on Back Bay drive, I gave Galen a break and led us out for the initial pull.  We were both worked, however, so this was not going to be a record breaking run.  We took turns a little more evenly through here, and I charged to the top at the end.

We kept the effort up (I'd say pace, but we were cooked) all the way to California.  After we crossed, we hit the first light and had some others who had come up behind us.  I stood up and decided breaking them off would be fun, so that's what we did.  BAM!

S-Gary stuck to the original plans and went up NPC getting PRs in the segments including that hill.  Good work!

Great morning workout, gents.  I hope more can join us next time.

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