Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lunch Ride - Shannon the NPC Punisher


Having solicited today's ride a day in advanced, I was quite relieved that a few of the strong climbers were not going to be able to make it out for one reason or another.  Maybe it won't be so painful.  Maybe it won't be so cut-throat.  Maybe it may actually be fun.  Then as I was getting ready in the locker room beforehand, Shannon walked in.  So much for all those maybes.  At that point, I awoke from my earlier dream state and prepared myself for the was time to work (i.e. McGee time).

Vin and Jaffe made it out today as well making for a total of only four of us out there, but everyone represented BRCM white as planned.  Nice.  If anything, we'll at least look good out there.  HA HA.

Seeing as no one else was joining us, we took off where I took the initial lead out down CA.  On the bike trail, Shannon jumped to the front early on and everyone started to rotate to the front accordingly.  Vin and Jaffe were doing great to help keep the pace up, but I think Shannon bore the brunt of the work with me offering relief when and as long as I could. 

This continued on when we got to PCH, and I did try to do what I could to relieve Shannon as he would do for me. 

Through Ocean and the neighborhood, there wasn't much action there so we stayed together throughout.  It was when we got to PCH after Poppy that Shannon began to drop the hammer.  I was doing what I could to help but it's not easy passing the big guy.  Essentially, I would only pass when he wanted me to...never when he didn't.  The latter being due to the fact that it's ridiculous trying.  There were a couple of attempts to push up to the front to help, but he snuffed them. 

Vin and Jaffe were also doing what they could to help,  but Vin asked me at one point "Hey, Rich, are you tired?"  Not being able to breathe, I couldn't answer him and just went on.   Where does he come up with such great questions though?

It was after we turned around that Shannon decided he was going to make him breakaway.  Vin, Jaffe and I just watched as he pulled away at one intersection where it really didn't make sense to try and catch him.  I did try to close the gap some as it would have been nice to climb up NPC with him.  By the time we got on NPC, however, there was definitely no catching him then. 

I stood up and at times would think I was making a little ground on him, but I think it was dementia more than anything else.  We pulled away from Jaffe and Vin before the first Pelican light, and that was pretty much the last time we saw the two.  I could see Shannon at a distance passing another guy near the 2nd Pelican light, and I thought I had a chance when they caught the red there.  However, after I made my way past the intersection and eventually to the crest, I looked ahead and they were just gone.  BAM!

My legs were not doing so hot at that point and my calves were starting to hint that they were ready to cramp.   The lesson for today, boys and girls, is don't forget your bottle on a BRCM ride.  I pretty much had to back it down for the descent as a result, but I was pleasantly surprised to run into Shannon at the bottom getting ready to turn left on Bonita Canyon.

As we made our way back, I was doing all I could to keep a good pace at the front, but Shannon saw these as opportunities to go into what I call "Beast" mode.  He'd hammer by, somewhat sinister like even, but I realized he was just showing me how fast we could be going vs. me settling into a somewhat comfortable pace.  He did it a couple more times, and by the time we got back to work, I was like a turkey baking with the deepest part of the breast meat reaching 165 degrees:  i.e. Done!

Outstanding effort today, especially through some of the windy sections.  I guess I'll wait for the next ride when Shannon confirms he's not able to make it to start thinking about those maybes again.  Then again, with the strength of the guys on this team, "maybe nots" are more likely.  Thanks, guys!

1 comment:

  1. That was some good riding Rich (and Jaffe and Vin). Every once in a while might as well cut loose.

    Pound those flats!
