Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just Todd and Me on the Hills

GPS stats:

Since Todd felt left out yesterday, I had to write up a little something about our ride today.

First of all, I think we need to call the cops.  From the onset, I think Todd was literally trying to kill me.  Out of the gate and UP through E. Peltason, we were already averaging ~22 mph.  So much for a warm-up.  I think I may have gotten up front for about 10 seconds on the way out, but it was all Todd for the rest. 

Going up NPC and Pelican, Todd was lighting it up where all I could do was watch from a distance.  Thankfully, he got caught at the light at San Joaquin and that he waited for me after Pelican on NPC.   We did pass a guy going up Pelican probably making him feel like he was standing still, which was pretty cool.  Near the top of Pelican though, my left calf was hinting of a possible Baldy Deja Vu though.  Fortunately, that's all it kept doing to day was hinting.

Bombing down NPC, both of us had some gusts that caused us to swerve a little but, but we still had a good down hill run.  We opted to go through Bonita Canyon, Ford, and ultimately East Bluff, which fortunately the latter did not have any high school kids driving around so that must just be a Tuesday thing. 

There was no sprint to CA, but Todd was just nailing it and I was just hanging on at the time.  Going up, we both took turns up front heading up the hill, and as it neared the top, I was thinking of passing again and Todd wasn't going to have any of that.  Brutal but awesome training. 

I wasn't sure if he was going to sprint to the gate, but I just couldn't let a climber get there first.

Today's ride was probably just as tough as it was yesterday.  What we lacked in mileage, we made up for with intensity through elevation.  Thanks for towing me around, Todd!

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