The challenge segment:
The ride:
Noah issued the first Strava challenge for the team where the goal was to complete the California to Bison segment under 2 minutes. For this Friday ride, THAT was the mission. Although I thought I made that clear to those I invited to come out, I guess Todd didn't get the memo. Nevertheless, the guy is a trooper, so it didn't take much convincing.
Mike Z. also came out today and being the nice guy he is, he offered to ensure that the light on CA was green where it couldn't impact out Strava attempt.
On our way to CA, we saw Jaffe and Hiroshi heading the opposite way on the bike trail since I guess we left early and they went to look for us. They turned around to join us and also offered to go ahead of Todd and me, so they can let Mike Z. know we were coming. They would also serve as targets to shoot for as they too took a stab at the challenge. All together, BAM teamwork at its finest!
When Todd and I took off, he wasn't able to clip in right away, so I took off given that we weren't suppose to work together for this challenge. This was ensured by Noah, who actually came out to watch to make sure we played by the rules. Funny guy.
I ended up making my way past Hiroshi and Jaffe st some point, but I think my tempo was too high where I ended up sitting sooner than I expected. I tried to spin faster after sitting, but this was not ideal evident with Todd passing me about 2/3 of the way up. Ultimately, he was able to bang out the "true" KOM for the segment with me behind him, but both of us failed to make it under 2 minutes.
Ideally, this challenge is probably better to attempt in the morning with less wind. Also, might I suggest a real warm up? We were so cold when we took off up the hill that our legs and lungs were on fire at the top. HA HA
We still did an NPC PCH BB loop after this ride, and some standout moments were when Hiroshi and Jaffe broke off up NPC, Hiroshi staying up front for 3/4 of the way up NPC, and Mike Z.'s bombing down Pelican like a mad man. No howls though.
Todd and I eventually broke off and pushed each other on NPC. We did decide to drop it down a notch on BB since we were both feeling pretty worked. This meant a respectable 23-25 mph pace. We did finish off going up California, but nothing like we did earlier.
Overall, it was a good trainer for a Friday. Thanks to all those who came out and helped.
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