Monday, August 29, 2011

Lunch Ride with Todd and Jaffe


With Todd and I having had too much to drink over the weekend, it seemed like we were on the same wavelength again for this ride...masochism!  Of course, since this was a hilly ride, all that would entail is trying to keep up with Todd.  I think his mission was just to try and drop everyone.  This combination ended up being too much for Jaffe as he first fell off the back on Anteater, and then fully once we got on Turtle Rock.

Todd knows how to keep a good rhythm, so in my mind all I wanted to do was try and match it.  This worked pretty much going up Turtle Rock and NPC, but he once again snapped me off on the last rise on Pelican.  I tried to have him work more than me (to make it even...ha ha), but it didn't help.  I probably made the same mistake and passed him up Pelican too aggressively only to have him return the favor at a pace I could not keep.   Gotta love the guy.  At least I wasn't too far off the back where we were back together at the light to NPC.

NPC was much of the same where we were both taking turns hauling ass down the hill.  Actually, this was pretty much the case for the rest of the ride.  I tried to return the favor and snap him off on Bison on our way back, but he wasn't having any of it.  He was stuck like glue.  

Considering how HOT and WINDY it was today, it was still a good ride.  Tomorrow should be more fun with more peeps...or not.

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