Yesterday was time to load up the coolers and bikes yet once again and head out to Fontucky for some race action. This would be #3 of the Kenda Cup series, it's always a good one and this time did not disappoint.
I had attempted to pre-ride Friday morning in the rain and got kicked off the course, so Gary and I headed out early yesterday before our race to squeeze in a pre-ride before Cat1 started. The weather was a bit iffy with dark clouds hovering over the hills. We got in our pre-ride and then it started lightly drizzling for the Cat1 start. This would soon stop however and we would wind up with the best conditions I have ever seen for the Fontana National.
Even though we had gotten there early the time flew by and I wound up with no time to warm up, so just lined up in my Category and got ready. The temperature was cool enough to have me shivering while I waited, perfect for racing! The gun went off and as usual it was a super fast and furious start. I am not a sprinter, so I just held my pace and slowly picked people off to the top of the first big climb (water tank). I think we all pretty much held our position from there out amazingly enough.
Trail conditions were awesome with lots of traction and only two puddles I can remember. None of the infamous semi-toxic Fontucky dust was blowing around, so that was good. That stuff can make you cough for a week afterwards!
I picked off at least one more rider in my Cat but was holding steady with another that was unmarked. When we went through the start/finish on the 3rd lap I heard someone say 'Go Stan'. Aha, this might be Stan Potter, I recognize that name....2009 he was 3rd, I took 2nd 27 seconds ahead of him......2010, he was 2nd, I was 3rd, but by almost 3 full minutes behind (Bastard!! :) OK, it's ON!!
I stuck with him and was directly behind him at the top of the big water tank hill climb on lap 4. My plan was to try for a pass on the flat fence section close to the end. He blazed the down but got held up by a small pack of riders so I got close again. Then I got kinda screwed by a tandem bike who pulled over for the group (including Stan) on some singletrack.....I was a little too far behind to catch it. After this was more narrow ST I could not pass and had to wait a little while....finally got around the tandem and gunned it but he wound up 13 seconds ahead for 8th place, I came in 9th.
Oh well, I was really happy to even be in the top 10 in my category as we have some really tough competition this year!!
Great race and good times.
On to the pictures!!
First go this way........then go THAT way........
Sho-Air MTB captain Tim getting ready to head up National Hill 4 times and spank the competition in the process!
National Hill, go up, up, keep going, when it gets really steep proceed further up, after that continue up.
Some places are steeper than it looks!
OK, this is a really serious race, race face time, who is the idiot in the back smiling and 'hanging loose'?? (it's me :)
chasing my buddy stan around the course
Gary went all Ansel Adams on me and snapped this B/W....... time for the post-race recovery drink!!
Gary's turn!!
Gary going by in a blaze of speed.......go Gary go!!
oh yes, it is always about the beer!!
next race; this Saturday is Counting Coup/Vision Quest
Gun goes off at 5:30 AM!
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